Here Fishy Fishy Fishy

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So I know I'm resurrecting this thread from the dead but I didn't want to start a new one and this pretty much has what I wanted to put in it. The BF Finally moved our 55gallon tank up to school and we are preparing for a community tank for freshwater fish. I'm super exited because I have been picking out species for the past semester of all the fish I want.

Here is the tank


And my first couple of fish. I will list below these guys what the BF and I also want. Well get them later this week and ill post pics.
2 Australian Rainbowfish

Once they get acclimated they are supposed to look like this:

And 1 Turquoise Rainbowfish

he is so hard to see but once he was out of the bag he looks more like this

Right now they look funny in a big huge aquarium but we are hoping to get cardinal tetras, longfin blue and zebra danios, lamp eye tetras, maybe a couple of tiger barbs, some white clouds, and others but the one I am dying for is a killifish. I love them so much and they are so hard to find! Ill post more pics when we get more fish later this week :)

Heres the killifish

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This advice is from is from a 86 year old who has had 30 tanks of fish and belonged to three different aquarium clubs,have won many prizes,ribbons ect. With the problems your having raising fresh water fish I would advise you to get a lot more experience before you try salt water fish.Salt water fish are costly and its heart breaking to get up in the morning and find $300.00 dollars worth of fish floating on the top of the tank.
We have a 55 long with 2 blood parrots, 2 golden severums and one giant african catfish.
One of the parrots is about 2.5 years old and the other one is about a year old. The cat fish is about a year old too. And the golden severums, we've only had them for about a week. All the fish are really interactive with me. They follow my hand all around the tank and will take food right from my fingers.
The tank started out as my husbands, but became mine since I'm the one who takes care of it now!

Its really hard to get pictures of fish with a crappy camera! haha. The catfish hides in the log, so I never get pictures of him.
I have a male betta named jasper. I've had him for 3 years. He only swims with one fin just like nemo!! he's our little buddy!!!
I got more fish :D

4 silver fin tetras
4 brilliant rasboras
1 julii cory cat
1 blue dwarf rainbowfish




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I breed killifish..over 200g of water in my room...15 tanks in the house and 9 out side for the summer...I breed a few types of fish,shrimp and snails..ssooo many pics I might bet around to posting some..are any of you on fish forums?
I had cory cats before and I loved those guys. Our other fish wanted to fight and be territorial, for some reason we spend a ton of time researching to get critters that get along and everything we read says they will get along but then all they do is fight. But any way the cory's were so fun, just swam around in their own happy little world bouncing off each other.

We previously have had gouramis, I think every one available, koi and a red belly pacu named Skippy. We sold the 125 gl and have the 55 stored for now, one day we'll have fish again. We have a 20gl with one red belly newt.
Kaosu do you ship your killifish?! I cannot find any that are around me and it is making me very discouraged. . .

I didnt want cory cats originally i just dont like how they look but i needed another small bottom dweller to go with our rubber lip pleco. I couldn't wait to get more fish! I was just waiting for the right time to get them. They fit perfectly into our apartment though
Kaosu do you ship your killifish?! I cannot find any that are around me and it is making me very discouraged. . .

I didnt want cory cats originally i just dont like how they look but i needed another small bottom dweller to go with our rubber lip pleco. I couldn't wait to get more fish! I was just waiting for the right time to get them. They fit perfectly into our apartment though

possibly..I need to start figuring out this shipping thing as our breeding is starting to out grow the interest in our area for the types of fish we do.

Currently I am breeding Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Lagos Red

and Aphyosemion australe "chocolate" ...witch we call our male dark chocolate cuz he is super black in color

we were breeding 3 types of gardneri killifish but we recently sold them all of.
we also breed Pseudomuail gertrudae, Pseudomugil furcatus

Betta albimarginata and betta splendens ( lovely dragon scaled halfmoons )
and im most proud of my recent spawn of steatocranus tinanti..It has taken me two years..they are on par with breeding Discus!! proud of my little guys!

we also breed long fin bristle nose plecos..normal bristal nose plecos, and Heterandria formosa, working on Chlamydogobius eremius.and a few more types of fish .some rare danios ..and some more that I know im forgetting somewhere normal run of the mill livebearers but those hardly count as breeding.

will be working on some harder to breed gudgeons soon that will be needed to be raised in salt conditions for a few months before going back to fresh.

video of the Tinanti fry...look how cute they are!!!!!!!!!!! <3 ...I want to hug them all >.> (yes fish keeping is a very big passion of mine)
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I have a 55 gallon fish tank with two clown loaches and two bristlenose plecostomuses. I had three clown loaches, but one died when I did a deep water change/clean of the 55 gallon tank. Don't know what my male clown loach died of, but the other two are doing great. I love clown loaches, they are so cool. I am planning on getting a bigger tank so that I can get more clown loaches and have a school of them, I am thinking about 50 clown loaches. If I do that, the 55 gallon will be a community tank with small fish.

I love angel fish, they are no way small, they get big. The small fish that I like are neon tetras, guppies, cories, hatchet fish, and tiger barbs. I am not sure what fish I am going to have in the 55 gallon when I get a bigger tank for the clown loaches.
I know delta cargo does fish but it depends on your area. Sometimes a class is required and can take six months to facilitate. That's a problem we ran into with our Oklahoma fish store.

Dont even get me started on the fish tanks but jealous of the sevrums Morgan! Will get one when the 210 gallon is up and running.

We're active on the oscarlover forum and the cichlid forum. The hubby and I tend to favor the cichlid species, mostly central and south American.

This is Mimi my Nicaraguan Cichlid. She's insanely awesome!

Omar accidentally dropped her twice when he moved from OK back to Texas. He spent 30 minutes holding her up right until her swim bladder settled. My dad had never seen him so distraught. Omar was like "she'll divorce me over this fish you dont understand!"

However he's trying to kill his bristlenose pleco currently because it killed his rhino pleco. I love the fish drama
kmaben: how big is the bristlenose pleco? Mine are 6 1/2 inches. I will take the bristlenose pleco off your hands if you don't want it anymore. Provided that it is big enough, because my clown loaches will go after it if it is smaller than them.
My little rubber lip pleco and Cory cat passed away :(

But I just got a bristlenose pleco that's about 4". He is so weird looking lol. I hope he can do a good job though and that he doesn't die. Had to treat the fish for some ick and its all cleared up now. We also have no more neon tetras left only the orange glolite ones. My rainbows are getting some nice colors very pretty!
The bristlenose and the Rhino were about four inches long. I guess too close to sub species that they fought. The bristle leaves the whip tail well enough alone. I told Omar to leave the bristle nose alone. It's in with some Jack Dempsey's in a 75gal. I do however have a one eyed leopard catfish of some species I'm still trying to determine that I may part with or not. He sat shy and timid for months. Then one day he ate up everything he could get his mouth on. He's super cool but has this voracious appetite I'm not sure what to do with. If he can get along in the 210 we'll keep him.

Sarah what kind of filters do you have on the 55? Sounds like your losing a lot of fish you shouldn't be.
I agree Sarah, to lose a catfish and a pleco is crazy! My husbands friend has a foot long pleco that he can't kill. Hes found it on the floor several times, he puts it back in the water and its alive and kicking. He put algae killer in the water, I guess not reading the directions, it killed all the goldfish he had and the pleco grew like 6 inches. haha.

Kaley, I'm in love with your Nicaraguan! She's so pretty. Hahaha. Poor Omar, I bet he crapped a brick when he dropped her the second time!
I love my severums too! They're really cute little guys. They instantly got along with the parrots and now they're all schooling together. Plus, they're already super interactive! I love my fish.
We have one of those filters that has grates that sit below the gravel and the tubes in the back. Then we just bought a new filter for a 50 gallon (we figured that with both of those it would be okay). It wasn't just a common pleco those things don't die ever. He was a smaller maybe 1-2in rubber lip pleco. The Cory cat dying was weird though. I don't know the name of the filter we bought. I thought they were also getting food because the other fish wouldn't eat some flakes and they would fall to the bottom. I also tossed in a small algae wafer the day before they died. I'm not sure what's going on because I got our water tested and its fine.
Woahlookitsme: what type of water test kit do you test with? I test with the liquid API test kit, and it is more accurate than test strips.

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