So I am lucky enough that we have an extra room that can belong to the bunny all on her own (hell, we still haven't agreed on a name for her, He says Floof. I don't really like that...). Since she is going to be a larger bunny, my idea is for the entire room to be hers. Currently it is carpeted, she does dig at it, I am thinking of just laying laminate flooring down over the carpet, is that too slippery for her? I know any cords around need to be covered (pvc?) should I also cover outlets? What should I do to protect the walls? Now that she's getting older, she is getting ornery! I have some holes in the walls where previous cable wires were run and she hones in on those! Also, if we put in shelves for her to climb up on should we only have them go so high? And should we do something to them to keep her from falling? We wanted to do this for our last bunny, but sadly she wasn't with us long enough to make it happen:-( Also, what do most of you guys use in litter boxes for your bunnies? I was going to use carefresh, but notice a lot of people mention hay? Do you have "potty" hay and eating hay? right now she pees on her hay, but not sure if it's just because the hay is on one end and her bed is on the other end (currently she is in a cage, was plenty big for her when we first got her, but she is definitely outgrowing it).