You mean you don't want to stay up with them allnight and check them every 5 minutes? Or sleep with them in your hands(JUST JOKING.....TOO RISKY!).
You could go to sleep and check on them every 2 hours or so. The biggest thing right now is ... well....more than one thing.
a. Warmth - gotta keep them warm
b. Food - gotta make sure they have full tummies
c. Cleaning - gotta make sure they don't need to pee or poop and that the full tummy is really FOOD and not pee..
One thing to consider by the way - is how well is the baby holding histemperature once you warm him up? Is he staying warm? Is hecooling down quickly?
I've found that babies that can't hold their body temperature - evenwhen tucked in with another baby...can't make it. I don't want to soundbad or mean - but I've tried to save enough of them that I haverealized that there are times I just can't save them - and that is oneof the biggest indicators I have.
I think what I'd do if I was you - was to check the baby's temperaturenow - and then again in half an hour. Does it feel as warm or warmer?
Then you can probably sleep for 4 hours as long as it can't get out of the little nest you've made.
If it isn't holding its body temperature well - prepare yourself thatyou will probably lose it (sorry) - try to save it - and check themevery hour or two...
P.S. It is my personal belief that if you're careful withbabies - you can't handle them too much as long as mama will stillnurse them. I believe the more a baby is held and cuddled - the moresocialized it becomes. Harriet was in my first litter - a single manelionhead. That baby would cuddle in my hands for 20 minutes at a timeand sleep - unlike the litter mates who would squirm out of my hand. Ibonded with Harriet before "her" eyes even opened. I didn't want achestnut - especially a SINGLE MANE...but darn it - that bunny loved meand licked me even before its eyes were open. By the timeHarriet turned into a boy....he had learned his name as Harriet and ithas stuck. I still keep him. I don't breed him and never will....but heis my cuddler and he begs for fruit loops and stuff.
I honestly believe much of his personality is because I would cuddlehim for 20 minutes or more at a time before his eyes even opened.People see him now and they are amazed at just how sweet he is...
MindAteMum wrote:
Not to sound like abroken record, but: How should we deal with them for our sleeping time?*smiles*