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The little white one is a DOuble Mane, it willgrow it's mane in the bare area as it gets older. Usually the ones thattake the longest to grow in have the manes that stay longer as adults.

Very cute babies:colors:Good Luck with Them.

Pam W.

Lionheads and Holland Lops

Bartlesville, OK
We,ve managed to let the wee one have a suckleat mum by keeping Roxys attention with some food. I don'tthink she got much before mum ran off but we'll try again tomorrow....,at least a bit extra should help. Is the lack of fur a sign that it isnot feeding enough? The other 5 are very furry and fat. Shedid have a wee on me so I'll take that as a good sign :)

I have no idea what weightthe parentsare, I'll try and weigh themtomorrow.
If you could manage to put the mom on her side(on a towel on your lap) and let the little baby nurse for a bit, itwouldhelp a lot.

You can distract mom with treatsand a soothing voice.

Maybe one of the breeders here could be more helpful withthis. I've never actually done it - just read aboutit. :)

We'll try with that - it has the advantage ofbeing able to see whether the wee one has managed to latch on ornot. Roxy dosen't like being handled so we will have to hopeshe settles down on her side by her own will. Problem is ifwe give her a treat she will sit up to eat it.Dadwould be quite happy to sit and be petted like that but unfortunatelynot mum. We'll give it a try and reportback.
Just let mom stand in a natural uprightposition, distract her with food/treats/pets and hold the baby upsidedown to her teats. This is least stressful for mom, and leastpossibility of hurting the baby.

Daffy, I believe the lack of fur is due to the baby being a doublemaned lionhead. I believe Tinysmom (Peg) had mentioned thatearlier in the thread.

They all look really good though, good job!

Yes, thanks TinysMum! I re-read the thread theother night and your post describes the wee one exactly. Heis doing well now, still looks " furrily challenged" but can hold hisown in the fat tummy stakes :)

Here are some day 7 pics




Well, we've reached day 10 and they are alllooking really good. The weather hasn't been so good so I'lltake some new pics when it brightens a bit. I've a questionabout the kits beginning to go onto solids. I read somewherethat young rabbits should not be given anything green until they are abit older, and then only small quantities. These wee kitswill have access to grass as soon as they are mobile and i'm wonderingwhether we should move them & mum into the house so that wecontrol whats available for them to eat. Your advice would beappreciated :)
I've always provided the babies with what the mom is eating.

Keep a close eye out for runny poo after you give anything new.

I would always make sure to wait a day or two after feeding a new food to watch for any signs of upset tummies.

Of three litters raised this way, I've yet to have a problem.

I'm sure I've also see other members who's babies have had access tograss as soon as they could wander out of the nest box, and they had noill effects either.

Redneckrabbits wrote:
They are very cute(the parents) but look on the large size.Any ideas what they weigh? Just curious.


I couldn't get them to co-operate with the scales but schumi was inbeing neutered to day and the vet weighed him in at 2.9kg.Roxy is bigger than him so I would estimate 3.2kg. Does thatgive a better indication of what mix they are?
They are lovely little bubs! That white onelooks really skinny, I hope he/she manages to get more milk from thedoe. We don't have lionheads here so to me it's quite a funny lookingbreed.

My kits ate grass from about 3 weeks old, and before that they nibbledhay and rolled oats every now and then. They all had a day or so wherethey'd have messy bottoms but I would clean them a few times a day andit would go away by itself. Make sure they have access to water, butnot a big enough dish so that they could fall in. Something small likethe lid of a jar works well or an icecube tray.

Good luck and keep us posted with pics and news :D:bunnydance:
Thanks for the replies, I'm hoping that we willmanage the moving onto solids without any problems. I hadSchumi at the vet today to be neutered( currently lazing about theliving room recuperating ) and spoke with them aboutterramycin. They won't prescribe it to give as a preventativemearsure but will if problems occur. All kits have their eyesopen now and the wee white one is looking sturdier now :)Oneis already making forays out of the nest . I've some day 11pics





we had hoped to photograph all 6 but mum decided that enough attention had gone to the kits and it was her turn :)

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