New Member
Here is a few my issue! My partner and i had a few rabbits which we kept in a large hutch. As we have a jack russell dog we become concerned that his barking would annoy our neighbours, the rabbits and of course was driving us mad!!! So we thought of a brilliant way to convert an old shed with concrete flooring into a large penn, cut a door way in the side to lead to an enclosed outdoor area which gave heaps of running room and was protected with wire over the top and shade cloth. Was woking fantastic!! A few more rabbits later we suddenly had a problem when a couple started digging and turned out to be pregnant. (Trouble with adopting full grown rabbits that are already pregnant without knowing!!) We know they were pregnant cause low and behold one morning there was hair everywhere.... So here's the tricky part.... We have attempted to dig up the rabbit warren as it runs under the fence line into the neighbours yard to find it is much longer than we anticipated. I am trying to refrain from approaching my 94 year old neighbour (who is by the way an ex farmer and not a big fan of rabbits...very sweet and lonely man though so he might not mind....!) instead we are trying to work out how to get to them.... Not going so good so far and am starting to have nightmares that my rabbits babies are going to take over our street and start an epidemic in our town... Anyone got any ideas?? Hoping they will come out by themselves but this seems un likely as i think the two does are tunneling further each night as we located one nest but this was empty.... Tomorrow we are starting building on a couple of large hutches and getting a muzzle for the dog in an attempt to train him into not barking...Any suggestions how to get to the babies safely without harming them would be appreciated!