Help sore paw

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New Member
Feb 2, 2012
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manchester, , United Kingdom
I am not sure what to do with my bunny. For a little while now if you stroke his front paw he clentches it up. Now he seems to stand with the same foot lifted, as if he doesn't want to put pressure on it. He runs around,hops jumps with out limping. :? I have tried to look at it but nothing seems abnormal. Should I take him to the vet?
Bunny has been clentching his front paw when you stroke the paw. Now he has started to hold his little front paw up when standing as if not to put pressure on it. He runs, jumps and hops normally? Should I take him to the vet? His foot looks normal. He went through a faze of digging up the carpit. Do you think he has pulled a nail? They are not too long.
I_heart_Fraggles wrote:
Do any of the nails look broken? If there is no visable injury I would be concerned about a broken bone perhaps. You might wanna get him seen.

Had another look. Compared paws. It seems like his right paw his outer claw is longer and curls under slightly. On the left (the sore one) his claws is almost gone! It's not bled. Poor little mite. Will he be ok should I take him to vet for a check up?
It sounds like he may have pulled a nail out.....possibly from digging at the carpet.

He should be okay. I've had several buns do the same thing.

You may want to clip his nails if they look too long.

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