Help: Re-bonding of 2 buns (1 with headtilt, 1 normal)

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May 1, 2019
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Do you have any advice to re-bonding two bunnies that got separated due to sickness?

As context, one of the buns (Bubu) got severe headtilt in Dec'22, so then we separated Bubu (male) and Pochi (female) since then. We have been treating & medicating Bubu, and he gains strength now and able to run in the playpen though still with headtilt. The bond between them was very strong even until the first two months of the disease, despite they are separated by playpen. Then the bond got disengaged in end of Feb'23 whereby Pochi no longer cares of Bubu and has been trying to attack Bubu thru playpen fence.

As Bubu's condition getting better (still with headtilt), we are planning to re-bond them.

Any advice from your experience to re-bond buns that was previously great but now not so great?


Here's more of the story behind Bubu

Since their bond has broken, try to consider them as if they had never before met. Treat them as if they are meeting for the very first time. Their past bond no longer has a bearing on their future.

If Pochi has not been receptive to Bubu, it may be due to territory. Females can be particularly territorial. So it may be a good idea to find some neutral space in which to try to bond them. By neutral, we mean a place in which neither bun has been before. It is also often advised to allow them time in side-by-side pens (separated but able to see each other) for a number of weeks as a sort of pre-bonding. Once they've had that time to get used to each other's presence again (in those side-by-side pens), then you can start the bonding process from the start.

Here is further info on bonding:
I'll add that I would only recommend proceeding with bonding if it goes well and isn't too stressful on your sick bun. You just don't want to proceed with a stressful bonding experience and have it cause a decline in health for your bun.
Thank you for the response @Blue eyes @JBun

For now Bubu is looking active and healthier vs before. We will try to put them side by side in neutral area.

Btw, is there any experience that head-tilting bunny can be free roam? Mostly that I know, the bun will stay in playpen and get free time. We would love that Bubu be able to free roam again.

Here is Bubu's latest

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