Help! Rabbit ears!

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I posted it at another section but I haven't had any help, don't know because it my first time on this but I need help on my bun. He is a very healthy bunny but he has like these moles on his ears, and the vet says she doesn't know what they are. She did check if they are ear mites but it came out negative. He only has it one ear but I don't want it to worsen
Please help me :( View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1417332454.414799.jpg
Is your vet a rabbit savvy bet if not you might want to try looking for one also try googling what's in his ears. Hopefully someone else can help Ya.
Sorry, if no one answer you it's probably because no one has the answer you need. Personnally, when it comes to ear problems I would think ear-mange (not sure it's the name in English?) or ringworm but the photo you posted doesn't look like it. I've never seen anything like that. Look a bit like warts to me, don't know if that's something rabbits can have.
I wouldn't panic as long as your rabbit eats/poops well and doesn't look bothered by it but I would keep an eye an it to check that it doesn't spread. I second trying to find a vet specialized in rabbits so they can give you a definite answer, even if that's not always easy to find (the nearest from me is 1h30 hours of train away, I haven't got a car and I shudder thinking about the next time one of my bunnies becomes sick). But please, if you find out what it is post it here as I really would like to know!
Thanks for the replies. He did start with just one and two and now it's spreading more. He is still eating and drinking and runs as always. I will try to find a specialist because I do need some answers, want him to be healthy. Really appreciate the replies :)
It looks to me like it might be some form of wart as well. It doesn't look like any other common rabbit skin problem that I have seen, so not sure what else it could be. One possibility, especially if you are in the US, is it may be the shope papilloma virus. Which is a warty type growth spread by insects like mosquitoes. It's possible the growths will just go away on their own, but if not and they continue to grow, they would need to be surgically removed.

If you need to find a better rabbit vet, you may be able to find one on these lists. However, personal recommendations for vets are not a guarantee the vet will be good. So something to take into account when deciding.
You're welcome. Sorry I couldn't help. I was curious so I looked up three good websites I know about rabbits but I haven't seen anything resembling what your rabbit has. The House rabbit society mentions warts in an article about skin disease so it seems that it does exist (though it doesn't mention if it can be in the ears and there is no photo). It says it can be linked to a papilloma virus. But it's probably not what your rabbit's got.
If it's spreading it is indeed better to see a reliable vet. Maybe it's nothing serious but you can never be too cautious (and if you're like me, you're going to worry all the time and watch your rabbit like a hawk expecting him to drop dead until you know for sure what he's got).
I hope for you it's nothing!
Thanks for the replies
I have done some searching for special vets and did find one
Sadly they were close today but hopefully I'll be able to take him(Koko, my rabbit) soon.
Feeling better that I shouldn't worry as much but I rather be safe ant take him to the vet.
Appreciate for the replies again, very helpful :)

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