help..peapoo stinks!

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SAS wrote:
Andlike Lissa said, I've never known a female bunny to smell bad, it musthave been related to a health or diet issue. (Could the smellhave been coming from something else?)

Something to definitely check into. ;)

Are you POSITIVE that she is a she?
JimD wrote:
I sawthis product at PetSmart. I have never used it and am not sure if itworks or how well. It was about $12 for an 8oz bottle.

Marshall's Small Animal Bi-Odor

Bi-Odor's unique blend of natural ingredients works from the insideout to eliminate your small pet's body and waste odors. Simply mix thesuggested amount into your pet's drinking water daily, and you shouldbegin to notice a reduction in odors in about one week. Continuous usewill provide the most noticeable results. This formula is all-naturaland safe for all types of small animals.

about the bo-odor...its funny that ya'll mentioned that....mymom just bought some yesterday and i was wondering if its safe...shebought it for the mice, but i put some in peapoos water lastnight...i've been marking her water bottle to make sure she doesnt stopdrinking though... i hope it helps!
naturestee wrote:
By all means, put her litterbox in the hutch. Ifyou keep her litter habits up, you'll have a better chance ofconvincing your parents to let her back in the house. Not tomention, it's familiar to her and it could make her feel morecomfortable in the strange surroundings.

What are you using for litter? Some control odor better thanothers. I really like wood pellet litter- it absorbs well andI usually can't smell any urine. And that's with four rabbitsin a small bedroom.

Could you save up money to get her spayed? Of go halfsieswith your parents? You could also call local shelters andrescue organizations. Some of them have spay/neuter programsthat will reduce the price for you.
parents say she can come back inside after she's fixed...i hope we getit done soon because in april we move to the campground atlake james and i want her to go with us..she doesn't mind being in thecar..last time she fell asleep...

her litter is some pine pellets or something like that...but ive usedthe same kind ever since i got her in october and it juststarted stinking sometime last week or this was a little betterthis morning mom said....i cant even smell her, only my parents can..iguess im used to it or something?.... mom caved in this morning anddidnt make me put her out...she said it was because the cage doesnthave legs yet, but i think she just didnt want her to be cold....she'sstarting to like peapoo again now...peapoo bit her a few months agowhen she (peapoo) was sick and mom hasnt trusted her since.. peapookind of bullies her though..i think she thinks she's the boss ofeverybody but me.... but peapoo is still inside right now... originallypeapoo was going to be and outside bunny, but mom fell in love with herand said she was not going outside...shes obviously changed her mind now

about raising money...i've been trying too, but its not working verygood.... im back down to about 15 dollars again..... anyideas/suggestions???:ponder: the vetsaidthe surgery alonewould be at least $200 w/o anypain medicine or anything else...

our shelters here are aweful! i dont think i would ever do that...mostof them and kill shelters and when we called the people about a missingcat one time they were VERY rude...i just dont trust those kind ofpeople with peapoo or any of our other animals...
$200 is a bit expensive for a rabbit spay, butit depends on where you live. Have you called around to othervets? Make sure they have experience with rabbits.

It sounds like you've had some bad experiences with your localshelter. Is there a no-kill shelter or a House Rabbit Societymember nearby? They might be able to find a program for you.

I'm not sure what to recommend to make money because I don't know howold you are. I made money by doing chores for myparents. I started doing odd jobs, like paper routes andscoring at trap shoots when I was in middle school, and I got a normalpart-time job as soon as I got my driver's license. You mightbe able to work something out with your vet by cleaning for him orsomething.

You could also look into Care Credit.
It's like a credit card for medical and vet expenses. If youfollow a short-term payback plan, there's no interest. Ialmost used this when Fey got hurt, but the vet knocked some of thecharges off for me.
naturestee wrote:
What are you using for litter? Some control odorbetter than others. I really like wood pellet litter- itabsorbs well and I usually can't smell any urine. And that'swith four rabbits in a small bedroom.

As some of you already know....I LOVE MY WOODY PET!! I have 8 insidebunnies that live in cages and are all litter trained. Woody Pet is thereason you can't tell that they're in the house..... no odor.

naturestee wrote:
Could you save up money to get her spayed? Of gohalfsies with your parents? You could also call localshelters and rescue organizations. Some of them havespay/neuter programs that will reduce the price for you.
You might want to do some research on low cost neutering/spayingservices in your area. There may even be some that act as brokers andlocate vets in you area.

In my area a spay can run $125 - $200. I would have to travel a bit, but the low cost services can do a spay for $65 - $90.

Our vet is a little expensive, but I wouldn't trust my buns with anyoneelse. Our Binkie will be going in for spay and a surgery to remove alump in her cost $450 -$550. $190 of it isjust for the spay.

Sorry if someone else posted this, but i didntread them all....i personally think that if she isn't spayed it couldbe a problem. Before I spayed my two buns they stunk in thatarea - - because of the hormones.
well our normal vet that we're really goodfriends with says he might be able to do her, but that he would be morecomfortable if we found someone more experienced than him.... he doesntcare about the money at all....he just wants ever pet to be safe andhealthy... he's the one that saved max's life when he was a puppy...but no i definately dont like the shelters here...i dont think there'sany good ones around here that do surgeries... they do those cheapspays on cats and little animals, but that do them so fast becausetheres so many animals that im afraid they would mess up...

well..peapoo's not going outside today either...i cant fit her litterbox where i want it..we have to cut a big door in the back first.. buti think she'll be fine outside..this cage is longer than her other, soshe'll have more room to move around and stuff.

i think im going to keep the cage inside the fence where butch cant getto it...he saw it sitting on the rail today and stood there watchingher..i think he wants to eat


but about getting her spayed...i just asked mom and she saidYES!!!!!!:yes::yes::jumpforjoy::great:..THANK YOUMOM!:inlove:now the question is.. when will she do it...ittakes forever to get an appointment in this house...huh...ive beenready to get her fixed for a long time now! there's only two vetsaround here that do rabbits, so hopefully we'll be calling them soon!

oh's some pictures of her cage doesnt haveanything in it yet because we have to fix the doors, but i did letpeapoo in it for a minute today.. i think she liked it
this is the other reason i can't fit her wont go through that little door on the inside...and her bedgoes in this little room...both wont fit in the little side
That looks like a nice cage.

A thought occurred to me - she's been inside with you guys all the time right?

If you put her outside and she feels lonely for you, she might startchewing on the cage. Obviously it would take her a while to getthrough, but I would give a quick check on the cage whenever I go outthere if I were you.

I had rabbits in a wood/wire hutch when I was young, but there were twoof them and they were used to it because that is what they always had.They did chew on the wood though, but it must have been for the sake ofchewing, not to escape.
AmberNBuns wrote:
That looks like a nice cage.

A thought occurred to me - she's been inside with you guys all the time right?

If you put her outside and she feels lonely for you, she might startchewing on the cage. Obviously it would take her a while to getthrough, but I would give a quick check on the cage whenever I go outthere if I were you.

I had rabbits in a wood/wire hutch when I was young, but there were twoof them and they were used to it because that is what they always had.They did chew on the wood though, but it must have been for the sake ofchewing, not to escape.

yeah she has been inside here and someone is almost always at home her cage is nexttoSkittles'(bird)cage..he sings andtalksa lot, so she probably never gets lonely... he does hisvoice like me and my mom and then he'll do a really deep voice for mydad, lol....

i didnt think about her chewing all the way through...i will keep aneye on that, but its really thick so like you said,it would take herawhile to get ... im only home during the day on the wknds, so she'llprobably be fine during the day, but in the afternoon and evening she'sused to being with still going to give her lots need to worry about that!

right now she's still inside because we havent cut a big door in thewooden cage yet... since she cant be upstairs until she gets fixed, itook her cage from upstairs and attached it to her cage in myroom, so now she has more room during the day until she goes outside.the only place she can have free run in the house right now is mybathroom, everywhere else has carpet or wood floors.

so this is where she's staying for now...

after i get peapoo fixed (hopefully we'll getthat done soon), i was considering getting her a friend..i havent askeddad, but they would live outside and come in to already sure she'll talk him into it..

of course i would give her enough time to completely heal and settle inher new cage before we got another bun... and we would have to buildanother cage for outsideand all that

what do you think about getting a friend for peapoo?
I think that's a great idea. I'm goingto try to bond my two buns in a few weeks, when i feel they are totallyhealed from their surgery. Bonded bunnies are usually a lothappier and not as lonely.
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
I think that's a great idea. I'm going to try tobond my two buns in a few weeks, when i feel they are totally healedfrom their surgery. Bonded bunnies are usually a lot happierand not as lonely.
also i think i would feel better having her outside if she had a friend..

what kind of breeds/gender would you guys recommend..peapoo is a femaleholland lop..would it be better to get a bunny her size instead of onebigger or smallerthan her? or would this even matter? i lovethemini rex. i also need a breed that would be okin 30 and 40 degreeF weather in the winter ,and 70-80* in the summer...would any breed be ok in this? (i dont want a long-haired breed)
Why would you feel better having her outside ifshe had a friend?Just because of the smell? I havetwo rabbits and i keep them inside. They are safer and getmore socialization and feel more a part of the family....i actuallygave them their own bedroom but one has to be in a cage while the otheris out because they aren't bonded -- yet. and the smell isnot bad. they are both litter box trained and i keep up oncleaning their room.
The way I interpreted that is that peapoo has togo outside anyways, and having a friend would make her feel betterabout the situation...

It's funny how poor a form of communication our language is... lol.