Help on a bunny addition!

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Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
Everson, Washington, USA
I have the option of adopting a sweet one year old mini lop, the problem is I have two bunnies already right now, they have been together since they where babies. You can tell they love eachother, their never apart, always snuggeling. So the question is... Would it be okay for me to bring in another bunny or is that a really bad idea?
It is definitely possible. The way to do this is have the other bun meet them in neutral territory. If they attack, it will be hard to bond (still possible, but hard) and if they all ignore each other, it's a good sign. Read up on bunny bonding on this site, there is some good info.

I just bonded two buns, I can't imagine trying to bond three! But is has been done, even with people on this forum. It is definitely not an impossible task.

Hope I helped! :)

EDIT: I have to add that if they do start fighting, it is probably a sign that they shouldn't be together. Sometimes it works out, but most of the time it will just end in bunny violence, if you catch my drift.
I had a trio for four years until the bond between the two sisters broke and my male had to choose a side.

It can absolutely be done, just keep in mind that I wouldn't dare try it unless all were fixed, and was prepared to keep the new rabbit in separate housing for months and possibly forever because not all rabbits bond. (Which is why bunny dates at rescues are popular). It tool me months to bond my guys all together.
Thank you for the replies!! That helps alot! I think Im going to go for it! I have an extra hutch incase it does not work out. I have a large pen for them so maybe that will help so they can have their own space!

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