help new babies but one of them is not mooving too much !!

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Jun 11, 2005
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Hello everybody::D

my name is heydi this is the second time my rabbit"Bamby"have given birth and shes doing fine. she has 3 babiesi checked them today.;)

Now her daughter "Avril" has given birth for the first time and i don'tthink she is taking care of her babies she hasn't taken her fur off tomake a bed for her babies and i'm not sure she has feed them, one ofher babies is very weak and i'm not sure his going to makeit. I have put the babies insome bedding paper onher huch so they keep warm but i don't know what else i can do to makemum Avrilbond with her babies.

help please i don't wanna loose the babies.:(
hi alley:

Avril is about 6 months or 7 months i think she only gave birth lastnight anfotunally the baby didn't make it i've just cheked them and hewasn't breathing at all.:(

but i got Avril to feed the other two, i relaxed her on my lap then ilaid her on her back then i rubed her niples a bit, and then i put thebabies one by one to lach on her nipples and they maneged to feed a bit.

the only problem is that i don't know how often to do this or if i'm doing the right thing after all.:)
I think you are doing the right thing...I amdoing that too as we speak. I do the same thing you do and it is muchbetter for the babies than to be hand raised. I do it 3 times a day.More if I feel it is necessary. I always check on the babies to be surethat they are active. I believe mother rabbits only feed once a day butI could be wrong. Anyways, hope this helps.
My babies are only 1 day old too, lol Iguess it was a busy day for alot of people. I think my rabbit has beenfeeding the babies but she is under a watchful eye. Keep me posted onwhat works for you, I could use the advice.
Thank you all i hope everything goes ok too i will keep you posted i will try to take some pics too

Good, I love pictures I've taken so many of my own already, I'd like to see how everyone else's are doing.

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