help needed for bored bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
scottsville, Kentucky, USA
i went to hobby lobby a week or so ago and seentons of things that looked perfect for my bunnies. they had willowreefs and willow rings. they had big willow balls and willow baskets ofall shapes and sizes. some of them were glossy so i know those weretreated. but what about the others? i seen a "made in china"sticker and i asume if they go over seas they HAVE to be treated. isthis true? and what about all those goodies that look fun for bunniesat peir one?
As far as I know, anything like that that'simported has to be fumigated. I still choose to use thoseproducts though. There shouldn't be much residual pesticideon the product, and *most* currently approved pesticides break downrelatively quickly, leaving them harmless. Still, it's verymuch a personal choice whether you're going to use that stuff or not.

The only think I've found at Home Depot that wasn't treated (beyondpossible fumigant) was the smallest size of grapevinewreaths. My buns like these. I don't know if yourstore is set up the same, but at mine there are small white tags on theshelf, often half-hidden, that state whether the item has been treatedwith something such as a varnish.

Pier 1 is supposed to have maize mats that aren't treated atall. I haven't seen these. They also have willowballs and dragongrass mats that are fumigated but not otherwisetreated. These are great!
manda wrote:
so fumagated is necissary bad?

Depends on how much you trust it to be at a low enoughlevel/deteriorated enough to not hurt the buns. I trust it,so I use these products. As long as they don't havevarnishes, paints, etc.
sounds resonable to me.

im gonna get me some.

i even went as far as chewing on them at the store to see if i tasted any chemicals. LOL

and i didnt taste or smell nothing
I am in Canada so I am not sure whether you haveDollarstores where you are...I found the most amazing load of wicker,grape vine balls and wreaths at our local dollarstore and they weredirt cheap too! (the treated ones cost more!)

I was also at the farmers market on the weekend and found hugegrapevine wreaths about a foot in diameter as well as grass mats thathad been made by hand and were really cheap too. Sometimes atthe markets you can find people who do handy crafts and get them tomake things you are looking for like wreaths and mats. Andthey don't cost that much at all!:colors:

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