Help! My rabbits tooth is loose

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New Member
May 25, 2022
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Hi everyone!

I recently took my rabbit to the vet and the vet noticed that his lower incisor is loose. I was referred to a specialist and was told I needed to remove all 6 incisors. It's about$1000 and I really don't have the money currently.

My rabbit is eating fine, aside from not wanting to bite hard foods. He's drinking, sleeping, playing fine.

I'm really worried and don't know what to do. Any advice? Does anyone have any experience with loose teeth? Will it fall out and be okay?
It depends on why it's loose. If it was broken due to trauma to the tooth, or your rabbit breaking it pulling on cage bars, etc, then it's possible it could grow back in fine, provided the break doesn't cause an infection to occur. It may fall out or your vet may need to at least pull the loose tooth out, even if no other teeth are removed.

If it's loose due to rotting, infection, or old age, then if you don't have the remaining incisors removed, you could just go with regular trims every 1-2 months as needed, as the opposing tooth to the loose/removed one starts to overgrow. I would also probably ask about starting rabbit safe antibiotics just in case, if your vet didn't already. And maybe also some meloxicam to reduce inflammation and for some pain relief if needed. If your rabbit struggles to eat, you may need to offer softened pellets, or chop up food as needed.
Thanks for the information. My bunny seems fine, so I might just leave it and see if it will fall out on it's own.

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