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Stephanie wrote:
Just the cage so you can spend the time with him when he'soutside of the cage to re-train him.

Obviously you're a good owner and love your bunny a lot. :)
thnaks evryone for all your help. Thanks Stephanie! :)
Stephanie wrote:
Just the cage so you can spend the time with him when he'soutside of the cage to re-train him.

Obviously you're a good owner and love your bunny a lot. :)
thnaks evryone for all your help. Thanks Stephanie! :)
loppylove wrote:
ALso do you think if i got him a friend that would help? iwas thinking of getting a holland lop

Maybe. Maybe not. You most likely will end up with TWO buns digging and eating the carpet.
Kricket wrote:
Maybe. Maybe not. You most likely willend up with TWO buns digging and eating the carpet.
:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:eek:h no! tats the last thing i need

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