Help! My rabbit is not eating

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He just peed and pooped, on the sofa....(usually he's a very well litter trained rabbit).
The pee looks dark reddish brown color, not a lot. His poop is rather hard and dry, it looks like 3 very small pieces strung to a regular size one.
Yes, I will definitely go get pineapple tomorrow.
He is shifting position again. I will try to make him drink some water.
Just a note, whenever you go in to the pharmacy for anything, ask to speak to one of the pharmacists, they're always happy to help and their knowledge of the ingredients of the products they sell there are perfect. (It's part of their job)
Early this morning, I woke up this morning finding Feichai chewing on his bowl of vegetable very loudly! I was soooooo excited! It's a bowl full of bok-choy. After he finished them, he immediately jumped in to the basket and started eating his pellets, but he didn't finish them. It's just a very small serving. I gave him hay, he didn't want it. I gave him water, he turned around. But he just wants to have more vegetable.
If his poops are hard and dry that sounds like gas or a gi problem. Hopefully the fact that he's pooping means he's recovering. When my Basil had gas once (before I knew anythiing about bunnies) I thought he was dying- he peed and pooped in my bed. Keep him hydrated as much as you can. When you can get to the pharmacy get the simethicone and see if you can get something like pedialyte (electrolyte drink for children).

Gentle tummy rubs will usually help as well. I'll be praying for your little guy.

it "s agreat sign that he is eating but until he is eating his normal amounts of everything he is still having issues. i would still buy the items mentioned above to have when he needs them. if he is going through a molt I doubt whether he is still 100% ; you ned to get fluids in him; be sure and serve the veggies wet.
keep us up-dated...
Sorry, missed the last update. Glad to hear he's eating. Just be very careful about what you give him. Im not too sure about bok choy- can you get some romaine lettuce? If so, soak it in water and offer it to him. Do you have timothy hay there? I would offer lots of that too.
Yes I'm waiting for the repair guy to leave so I can go out and buy all the necessary items for Feichai.
A question, bok-choy has been a regular vegetable for him since he was little, it's actually the main veggie that he eats. Is this ok? I don't remember seeing romaine lettuce here in China. Maybe only served in western restaurants.....

Ok, let me make the shopping list:
Romaine lettuce (if possible).

He just had a small amount of pellets again. OHTHANKGOD!!!!! As I am typing, he just walked over, I mean hopped over to the water bowl and started drinking!!!!!!! I'm so relieved!!!! ...uh, he stopped, and looked uninterested again.
I checked his litter box, quite a lots of poop.
But how come he doesn't want to eat hay?
if bok choy is his regular veggie then he can still have that....

it's on the Ok list here

whatever he usually gets
if you can get the simethicone in a liquid it is easier to give
Yeh .. that's the list
if you can get a probiotic for small animals that would be good but I don't now if you can get it there
if you have a farm store you could get a probiotic for horses ; that would work fine.
but if you cannot find it just get the other items...
Thank you all for keeping me accompanied, I felt so helpless.

He is doing better now. I finally figured out how to make him eat and drink - hand feed. Usually we do it just for fun and he likes it.
I hand fed him a few pellets, after a while he just kept eating by himself. Even for water, he didn't want to drink from the bowl, so I poured water in a mug and held it next to him, he put his head inside and started drinking. Also for hay, I guess he is too lazy to eat from the grass box, so I had to hand feed him, he ate quite a few.

I found some irregular shaped poop in his litter box, they are fresh, and they are on the wet side.

He is now resting in his little basket again. My poor thing, I hope his not suffering from too much discomfort.

Thank you again, I will keep you posted.
Good news!
My rabbit is mostly recovered! Thank all of you for your help!

I didn't realize that I can't get simethicone in China! Next time when I go back to Texas I"m going to grab a lot.
I bought him pineapple, and he liked it a lot. He started drinking water again, and finished his pellets and vegetables. He is back to the playful and nosy Feichai with crazy appetite again! I'm so happy and relieved!
Thank you very much!:happyrabbit:
That's great! Simethicone is good to have on hand--I like to get the kind for babies as it is a liquid that you can give easily by mouth.
"you can give easily by mouth."...LoL, they outta charge admission for the wrestling shows that Rosie and I go through whenever I've had to get her to take anything by mouth.
pla725 wrote:
What kind of pellets are you feeding your rabbit? I wonder if that might be the cause other than shedding.

I am glad he is feeling better.
Thank you all!

I'm feeding him Oxbow Pellet for Adult Rabbit. He has been having this since he became an adult. ha ha ha.

I think the main cause for excessive shredding is the weather. He didn't shred that much when we were still in Houston, Texas. The weather is warmer and more humid here.

Feichai gives kisses on the nose to all of you:inlove: