Well-Known Member
Blueicebird wrote:
I read on the Language of Lagomorphs site (listed in one of thesewonderful threads!) that running circles around you generally justmeans they're happy and they like you. With male bunnies that areunneutered it can be a sign of sexual behavior. I've never heard of itbeing a dominance thing. All you need to do is run (okay well maybemeduim speed stride) circles around him after he's done to say "I likeyou too!" Always works with my bun!
After that he just hops offabout his bunny-business! ^_^
I did'nt know running around you is a domance thing, does thatmean they are in charge? If so, how do I gain my alpha status back? Ithink I was told you place your chin above their head or sunthin.
(Awesome Pix JimD, btw... NOSE!!)
I read on the Language of Lagomorphs site (listed in one of thesewonderful threads!) that running circles around you generally justmeans they're happy and they like you. With male bunnies that areunneutered it can be a sign of sexual behavior. I've never heard of itbeing a dominance thing. All you need to do is run (okay well maybemeduim speed stride) circles around him after he's done to say "I likeyou too!" Always works with my bun!