New Member
Hello, I have a male netherland dwarf rabbit who is about a year old and he has not been eating or drinking for a few weeks. I took him to the vet a few days ago and the veterinarian said it could be a possible blockage. The vet gave my bunny a shot to keep him hydrated and another shot for pain. For the past 4 or 5 days I have taken him to the vet to get the two shots. On one of the visits, I had x-rays done and the vet said there was no sign of a blockage. Well, another veterinarian there said that there is a sign of a blockage. Right now we are giving the bunny mineral oil and syringe feeding him water and food. We are also giving him an antibiotic and giving him one shot daily of an anti-inflammatory/pain reliever. I also have another rabbit, we keep the two separate, though the vet suggested we give our sick bunny some of the other bunnies poop, that way it would help his bacteria grow back. We have been treating the bunny for almost a week now and he is still hardly eating or drinking water. He is also barley producing any poop and it is very light in color and very small. Any tips, suggestions, ANYTHING would be greatly appreciated. We have spent hundreds of dollars already and surgery is not an option. We need to get this bunny better!