If you're posting about a sick bunny in the Infirmary, please provide the following:
Location: Seattle, WA
Description (Breed, color, weight): Dwarf Lionhead, White/Grey, 500g
Age: 3 months
Sex: Female
Concise Summary of the Rabbit's Condition: Lost of appetite, lack of energy, sleeping more than usual.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / CHECK LIST: (Please fill in relevant info).
Fecal and Urinary Output
- are the bunny's poops and pees normal? Yes
- when did they last use their litterbox? 10 minutes ago
- any unusual behavior? straining to pee? unusual litter habits? No
- what litter and/or bedding do you use? Carefresh
Medical History
- spayed/neutered? No
- has s/he been to the vet or been sick before? No
- is s/he on any medications? No
- what specifically does your bunny eat?
Hay, cucumbers, dandelion greens, and occasional raisins as treats.
- when and what did s/he eat last?
Still eating right now.
- any changes in the way s/he eats? (ie: not eating a particular food, odd chewing motions, etc)
She is just not eating as much as she used to.
- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally? Her hopping is normal, but a lot less active. She wouldn't run around quickly anymore.
- is the rabbit molting? No
- any weight loss? Yes
- any sign of drooling? wet face? No
- runny eyes? No
- wet nose? coughing? sneezing? No
- is s/he breathing normally: Yes
- any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach? No
- has the rabbit been outdoors? No
- any other pets? if so, have they been ill? No