Sas - thanks for the PM
Steph - Hiya! You're actually very close to very good rescue! Sue's Rabbit Rescue is in Dewsbury which I think is about 10-20 minutes from you. You can see a couple of their rabbits here: but they have many more available.
I would strongly recommend against a petshop - you've know idea what the breeding is like for health or temperament so your taking a gamble. Remember a petshop is there to make money so don't take what they tell you as necessarily accurate.
Your best option if temperament is top of your 'what's important list' is to adopt a rabbit that's 5months+ and already been neutered from a rescue. That way you know exactly what your getting and you avoid any hormones that might change the buns personality later.
As for breed - the difficulty everyone is having naming you one if because I think of beautiful cuddly friendly bunnies I know in just about every breed available! And some of the best have been crosses and not a particular breed at all

If you're going to a rescue remember some of the more unusual breeds like Champagne D'Argents are very unlikely to be available, giants are also quite rare so don't turn up often. You'lll usually find drawf/mini lops, dutch, lionheads, rexes, nethies, english and mixes. There is some notes on breeds here that might help:
I'd suggest your next step is contacting a rescue or two and going for a visit - that will give you a much better idea of what's available and help you decide if that's the way you want to go.
Hope that helps!