Help me!!!

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Thanks Bunnys, was just trying to pull that up. :)

Looking to see if individual people and breeders with 'culls' list on there or if it's only rescue orgs, which I believe Steph already looked into, but I'll leave it in the capable hands of the Brits. :)

I've looked at the site and theres quite alot of those places I could go to.

Is there any chance of somebody showing me so pictures of these rabbits:

New Zealands, Satins, Californians, Champagne D'Argents, or Flemish Giants, Dwarf lop and Mini lop.

Cheers :bunnydance:Steph:bunnydance:

Sas - thanks for the PM :)

Steph - Hiya! You're actually very close to very good rescue! Sue's Rabbit Rescue is in Dewsbury which I think is about 10-20 minutes from you. You can see a couple of their rabbits here: but they have many more available.

I would strongly recommend against a petshop - you've know idea what the breeding is like for health or temperament so your taking a gamble. Remember a petshop is there to make money so don't take what they tell you as necessarily accurate.

Your best option if temperament is top of your 'what's important list' is to adopt a rabbit that's 5months+ and already been neutered from a rescue. That way you know exactly what your getting and you avoid any hormones that might change the buns personality later.

As for breed - the difficulty everyone is having naming you one if because I think of beautiful cuddly friendly bunnies I know in just about every breed available! And some of the best have been crosses and not a particular breed at all ;) If you're going to a rescue remember some of the more unusual breeds like Champagne D'Argents are very unlikely to be available, giants are also quite rare so don't turn up often. You'lll usually find drawf/mini lops, dutch, lionheads, rexes, nethies, english and mixes. There is some notes on breeds here that might help:

I'd suggest your next step is contacting a rescue or two and going for a visit - that will give you a much better idea of what's available and help you decide if that's the way you want to go.

Hope that helps!
My dad has contacted the place in dewsbury and we might be going down.

AlsoI have been offerd to look after ( To keep) a 4 year old rabbit and it is a female but im not sure what breed it is, I was going to get that one aswell as one from a rescue centerIs that a good idea. Also the place in dewsbury on sell there rabbits in two's.

I'm going to post pictures of my rabbit hutch later on and then you can see how many rabbits it will hold. (It is quite large).

Does having rabbits outside make any differance to them being inside ?

That's a very good idea rabbits like company of other rabbits! Sue, the rescue, will rehome you a neutered male to live with the female you've been offered - she'll probably even help you pair them up. Rabbit's like to have company so a lot of rescues won't rehome one to live on it's own but they'll happy let you adopt a single bun to live with another.

With out door rabbits you'll need to match sure the accomodation is weather and animal (fox/cat proof). Indoors you need to bunny proof so they can't eat anything they shouldn't.

I hope you enjoy your visit to the rescue - even if you don't find the right bunny it's lovely to see them all and if you're lucky get some cuddles in ;)


I carnt wait to go and see what rabbits they have.

I think i'm going to do that - i'll get this female rabbit from my dads friend and then go the the place in dewsbury and find a loving partner for her ( Shes called lady by the way lol).

And are you sure that it will be ok putting the male and female rabbit together ?and if the male rabbit is nutured does it matter if the female isn't?

That sounds like a good plan. Male - femalepairs (after neutering of course) work best. You don't strictly have tohave the female neutered to but there are benefits in that it removesthe risk of uterine cancer and makes them less hormonal (grumpy). Ican't remember Sue's policy of hand but you might find she'll let youbring Lady along to the rescue and then you can check she gets on withthe rabbit you like. I think Sue will do the bonding for you too if youprefer.

It's a really good rescue so they'll go through everything with you when you visit.
Steph-jo-petlover wrote:
I've looked at the site and theres quite alot of thoseplaces I could go to.

Is there any chance of somebody showing me so pictures of these rabbits:

New Zealands....
Cheers :bunnydance:Steph:bunnydance:
MeetTootsie (NZB). We got her last September. She's grownsome since and weighs in at around 10 lbs now. We got her from theshelter when she was about 10 months old.
She not show quality (like I care ;))...she's got white hairs intermingled with her black fur, mostly around her hind-end.

This is her in the shelter.....nice ears:D!!! Cage is too small for the big black bunnie:(


...and at her new forever happy!!


This is her this past March.....
Streeeeching for a treat:).


Hey thanks ever so much guys.

ButI have one small problem my dad saysI can onlyhave one rabbit, and would have loved to have a male and a female ascompanionsbecause I will be going to a collage this time nextyear, and my dad thinks it would be too much hard work when im gone.

I'm going to a bording collage (Askham byran) andI will bebording for 4 days but when I come back I will have 3 whole days withthem, and the rabbit might get lonely on its own.

Is there anything I could do?

Please Please Please help me!!!

Steph-jo-petlover wrote:
Hey thanks ever so much guys.

ButI have one small problem my dad saysI can onlyhave one rabbit, and would have loved to have a male and a female ascompanionsbecause I will be going to a collage this time nextyear, and my dad thinks it would be too much hard work when im gone.

I'm going to a bording collage (Askham byran) andI will bebording for 4 days but when I come back I will have 3 whole days withthem, and the rabbit might get lonely on its own.

Is there anything I could do?

Please Please Please help me!!!


Who will be taking care of the bunnie when you're away? IMO....Sincethey will be the ones spending the majority of the time with thebun(s), they should have a say in it.
Taking proper care of bunnies is a big responsibilty and a lot of work.If they get sick, who will be taking them to the vet? They need to befed and watered every day. Their cages and litter pans need to becleaned on a regular basis. And they need to get out for excercise andsocialization, too.

There's a lot to take into consideration.
Think carefully about this before rushing into it.
I actually find it much easier to care for tworabbits than one. Other than having to put bigger handfuls offood and empty a bit messier litter box,I find the rabbitstake care of each other, and keep each other entertained.They get sick a lot less (they keep each other's ears and eyes clean,etc, and they'reless stressed and get more exercise whichreally makes a big health difference) and they don't getin'boredom' trouble like chewing things in the hutch thatthey shouldn't, wrecking their teeth on the wire, etc..

Really try and convince yourDad!

I will think extra carefully about my next rabbit(s), as I have had two pet rabbits before.

The only reason for me asking is that would getting another rabbit isthat it may get lonley when i'm gone and would that make any differanceto the personallity.

E.g. would it become more grumpy if it was to be left alone.

I wouldn't say two were more difficult to carefor. How much time will your family spend with them? If they're justgoing to do the feed/water etc. and not the couple of hours playtimethen I would say rabbit company would definately be a good idea.

You do need to think about the future tho, as you know rabbits can live7+ years so what are you planning over that period? Going to collegeand the years after it are usually pretty hectic and full of upheavel?Are you planning on university? What will happen then when you'relikely to be staying away for a term at a time and halls won't allowpets.

Dont worry i'm trying convince him but it might take some time lol.

I will ask him to take me down to the rescue center in dewsbury to see if sue can change his mind lol.

I'm not planning on going to uni. The collage Iam thinking about going to will only need me for 4 days a week whichleaves me 3 days with my animals. I also own other animals that needcare: 1 corn snake, 3 chickens (me and my sister looks afterthem + my dad) and 4 fish.

Put it this way I am allowed one rabbit but as I am thinking of thefuture it might be better to get two so the Rabbits dont get lonley.


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