Help me with wild baby rabbit

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May 16, 2005
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Hi ! We just retrieved a baby rabbitfrom our cat. I have no idea how to take care ofit. It seems shaken. I do not know where the motheror nest is. How can I feed it and keep it warm? Anyadvice please.

thank you.
Well this place is really good. I havefound several articles and information just on the topic I put outhere. I guess we will visit the vet in the morning and gofrom there. Glad to of found this. Answered all myquestions.
hi !!! please dont think that this board is nothelpful....for it is ..maybe the folks who have read your post dontknow so they didn't reply.....from my knowledge i would keep it warmand try to keep a close eye on the baby bun. what are you keeping it inright now?
Hi andWelcome , wild rabbits need tobe returned to t he wild , in many statesits illegal to confine awild animal , what you needto do is contact aWild Life Sanctuary and havethem handle the rabbit ,they have the abilityto keep it wild ,with little or no human contact, and no stress , Ifyou take it to thevet have him treat it butalso see if he knowswho does wild life rehabilatation, I had to secure a specialwild life rehab certificationfrom my state and belicensed in order to care for the onewe took away from a coyote .

Its a very difficult struggleto keep a rabbit wild, and very hard to not motherthem which is human nature, you can only exposethe wild rabbit toyou for a short period of timea day , IE: run ouot feed itwater and leave , It MUSTstay out of human contact . Oneit gets used to you and you develope abond to it and it toyou it is no longerwild and can never everbe released, Then you will have the issuewith your local Game andFish and possable fines, and they willremove it and send itto be rehabbed back tothe wild and if thatcant happen euthinazia ( put tosleep ) will occure, Just an FYI ,

stanimalzz wrote:
Well this place is really good. I have foundseveral articles and information just on the topic I put outhere. I guess we will visit the vet in the morning and gofrom there. Glad to of found this. Answered all myquestions.
Dude, you need to check your attitude at the door. Most of us here areexperienced with domestic rabbits. If it takes time to get an answer toyour question then be patient. If you need emergency medical advicethen you should call a vet.

I think he was saying that this *is* a goodplace?? there are a few threads on wild bunnies.. imho thepost doesnt look sarcastic, but it is hard to read 'tone' incyberspace..
Oh no please there was no attitude. Ijust started looking at the threads that were at the top and it hadexact instructions on how to treat a wild baby bunny.

Right now we were keeping it warm with natural pine shavings and a yarnscarf. I will see where the vet can refer me to do thenatural thing. It does have a wound on it's back but it isnot a puncture.

Sorry if my second post sounded like attitude. Honest I wasjust impressed with the information that was available on here.
I have noproblem with what you posted, and ya wehave awsome people here ,If he has a cut on hisback can you try and swabbit out with a bit of peroxideand water mix , be gentle heis going to spaz on you, it will sting a bittho thats why thewarning , Do you haveany antibiotic cream likeneosporin you can puta dab of that on thecut and hopefullykeep it from getting infection, If you havesome rolled oats onhand you can givehim a small handfulland also you can goout and grab somegreen grass , make sure there is nochemicals on it tho . a bit ofwild clover will alsobe appreciated im sure , a bowlof water for him todrink out of also . canyou guesstamate how oldthe baby might be ? arehis eyes opened or still fusedshut I can help you more if ican an aprox age.
stanimalzz wrote:
Oh no please there was no attitude. I just startedlooking at the threads that were at the top and it had exactinstructions on how to treat a wild baby bunny.

Right now we were keeping it warm with natural pine shavings and a yarnscarf. I will see where the vet can refer me to do thenatural thing. It does have a wound on it's back but it isnot a puncture.

Sorry if my second post sounded like attitude. Honest I wasjust impressed with the information that was available on here.
I stand corrected and I apologize.
gypsy, You are being sohelpful. Thank you. I really appreciate the littlemedicine tip and food idea's.

The rabbits eyes are open. It can hop. It isprobably about 4inches long. I wish I knew moreinfo to give.
Thats finei can guess the ageto be around 4 weeks old, give or take , by4weeks they are very mobile , Ifya can post a pictureof it Im sureeveryone would love to see it Iknow I sure would lolwild or domestic Ilove them all and sodoes everyone here , Have youbeen able to find a vetor a wild life rehabfor it yet ? . WhatState are you in and Ican do some callsand get some info onrehabs in your area , For t hetemporary you can trythe bunny with some alfalfabased pellets but put themin a flatdish so he can get at them, wild grasses and clover willbe benificial ,

Has the baby eaten anythingsince you rescued it ? Ifnot keep trying to offer it alittle something every chance youget , Keep us updated.
Crap I forgot to addlol Water in a flat dish also ,or if you have a small waterbottle you can show him where thewateris and with hislittle face rightthere tapp theball in the sipper tube so hewill see water comes from there, it may take a few times buthe will get t he idea quicklly
How is the baby, Stan?:pWhere do you live? Just curious as to what kindof wild bunny it might be...maybe a cottontail? Could it be ajack rabbit?....
Bunny seems to be doing well. Ate allthe clover and grass. I called the vet. They gaveme a number to call for the services of places who take wild animalsand someone is going to come later today and pick it up.

I live in Charlotte, North Carolina. Not sure might be a jack rabbit.
I don't know how to do the posting pictures thing. If my daughter can when she gets home I will have her try.
I don't know how to do the posting pictures thing. If my daughter can when she gets home I will have her try.
**"Bunny seems to be doing well. Ate all theclover and grass. I called the vet. They gave me a number to call forthe services of places who take wild animals and someone is going tocome later today and pick it up."**

Im glad The wild life people are coming , its better for the babybunny , but not so good on you , Its heartbreaking , but you do knownow that you have been bitten by the bunny bug , your going to justhave to go out and adopt a bunny right lol.
gypsy wrote:
Hi and Welcome, wild rabbits need to bereturned to t he wild , in many statesits illegal to confine awild animal , what you needto do is contact aWild Life Sanctuary and havethem handle the rabbit ,they have the abilityto keep it wild ,with little or no human contact, and no stress , Ifyou take it to thevet have him treat it butalso see if he knowswho does wild life rehabilatation, I had to secure a specialwild life rehab certificationfrom my state and belicensed in order to care for the onewe took away from a coyote .

Its a very difficult struggleto keep a rabbit wild, and very hard to not motherthem which is human nature, you can only exposethe wild rabbit toyou for a short period of timea day , IE: run ouot feed itwater and leave , It MUSTstay out of human contact . Oneit gets used to you and you develope abond to it and it toyou it is no longerwild and can never everbe released, Then you will have the issuewith your local Game andFish and possable fines, and they willremove it and send itto be rehabbed back tothe wild and if thatcant happen euthinazia ( put tosleep ) will occure, Just an FYI ,

excellent advise!
I currently have a cottontail that I raised froma baby. He is over 3 years old now and lives inside with my other twodomestics. I had no trouble raising him (he was my first rabbit ever),but maybe I'm an exception.
enginerd wrote:
I currently have a cottontail that I raised from a baby. Heis over 3 years old now and lives inside with my other two domestics. Ihad no trouble raising him (he was my first rabbit ever), but maybe I'man exception.

This topic had me wondering what would happen if she just kept him!--Is he a friendly pet?

they will removeit and send it to berehabbed back to the wildand if that canthappen euthinazia ( put to sleep) will occure, Just an FYI ,
"Ifit can't live in the wild, itshouldn'tlive at all." I think this is a sick pholosophy!
IT maybe a sick Philosphy Prizm butthats howGame andFish , Wildlife , see it , Thereare Heavy fines for keeping awild animal in captivitywithout proper permits and licenses, I just spent over$ 300.00getting certified to do Rabbitrehab thru our local Fish andGame AND thats onlyfor Wild Rabbits/ Snakes , Icannot take care of any other wildspecies , Thats Additional Fees, andpremits . As A matter of fact the Gameofficer was just here a few minutes ago checkingon cages , vetting papers etc.For the one we rehabed and releaseda few months ago . There isa lot of Paper Work in thisstate to run afacility such as I run .I work closely with Fishand Wildlife Officers , Police, Rescuesand Humane Societies , Unforutnately Ihave no control over the Laws northier ways of thinking anddoing things , All Ican do is contiinue toeducate them and anyone I comein contact with who havequestions such as Stan had .I feel honored and Privaledged tobe able to work soclosely with such people andnot have a collage education norAssociates Degree . All I haveis street experience , butsometimes that goes a long waywhen you build trust andknow what your doing .

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