Help me please..

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Dec 9, 2006
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i everyone..i just wanted some adive soo my 2 little bunnies can get along together

well i got my first bunny like 6 months ago..and just yesterday ibought a new buny rabbit.. and then when i put the together for them tobecome friends they start chasing each other scratching each other andbiting each other...i think it is because of territorial resons becausemy first bunny has been here longer...but can anyone back up that or isit something else?:?
I have moved this thread from the Rabbitry to the main Rabbits only forum so you'll get advice from more folks!

It's probably territorial, and/or somebunnyestablishing dominance. You'll have to take it slowly so thebaby doesn't get hurt.

Right now you should examine them very very carefully from head to toeto make sure there are no wounds that could get infected.Abscesses can be very dangerous in rabbits.

What sex are they and are they spayed/neutered?

It will take a while for them to accept eachother. You have to take it slow, or they will just continue fighting.Some rabbits never get along. You cannot put an un-neutered male rabbitwith an un-spayed female, or they will just breed. You can put themtogether if they are both neutered, or just the male is netuered. Maleand male combinations who aren't neutered will just fight [most of thetime]. Two un-spayed females tend to get along better, but can be stillbe moody and territorial.

You have to slowly introduce them to each other. First just let themsee each other, then sniff through cage bars, then get a little closer... until finally they accept each other. You will need to ask some ofthe other members about bonding rabbits, as I only own one so I havenever bonded.

Good Luck! :)
what does un-sprayed and neutured mean? i'm not aquite familiar with therse terms..
Spaying and neutering, sometimes reffered to as"fixing", are procedures that sterilize rabbits and prevent them fromreproducing. Females are spayed (their ovaries are removed). Males areneutered (their testes are removed).
so ur saying that 2 un-sprayed females will ggetalong better but can be moody or if it deos getterritorial it will attack the other rabiit and injure it in a way?
Two un-spayed females do tend to get alongbetter than two un-spayed males, but that does not mean they will getalong. Spaying or Neutering helps rabbits get along better, though itdoes not gaurentee that they will get along. At any time, even a bondedpair of rabbits may attack each other.
Yes, rabbits can severely injure each other and can even kill each other when they fight.

First, what are their genders? Are you sure they're bothgirls or both boys? You really need to be sure because youdon't want them to breed.

Second, rabbits have individual personalities and can be picky abouttheir friends. You have to introduce them to each otherslowly and in a place where neither has ever been before so they don'tfeel like they have to defend their territory.

There's a lot of info on bonding (that's what we call this) in Bunny101. Here's one of my favorite sites that tells you how tohelp bunnies be friends:

And please, check them very carefully for injuries and get them to avet if they are hurt. If a wound gets infected it can be veryhard to heal.
there both females..and when i put them in mybackyard which is a big place away from whrere they usually are kept ina 5 by 5 metre enclosure they tend to chase each other when they getclose.but dont bite or anything..but when in the enclosure they chasebite and scratch each other about 2/4 of the time.and i justwent outside before i observed them and they were trying to the way i've fenced the enclosure in half for each rabbit.

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