you could give them a bathe with tepid water use from a kettle and let it cool right down. itg may just be slower if the rest are open give it another day just in case maybe he is lazy
ok ill definitly try these things also the cage NEEDS cleaned, should i just put them in a box or kitty carrier and put them in the house while i clean?
yup are they out of nest now? I had to get a carrier the nethies are a nitemare if you put them on a table top they throw themselves off very like lemmings!! keep any nice dry fur to put back in nest again though
is the nest wet or dirty? if it is clear out and put back with fur then if its pretty clean for the 1st week I just clean the cage around the nest and leave nest well alone.
when you have them picked out just have a look and feel
Sooty fawn = black tort, by the by, not sure if anyone pointed that out. Sooty fawn is a UK term generally. I'm pretty sure you'd say black tort in Canada.
Hmm that does seem odd, I hope someone who's experienced that before can offer you some good advice!
Just wanted to post my pics of the sooty fawn/black tort kits I had, just because they were so cute! I am sure your kits are too pale and they have all that white, so must not be tort.