that's what i looked online that i shouldn't put unneutered rabbits together because it's not safe and he's little bald behind the ears and front and just white flakes on his ears neck and face but no clumps of hair coming out and he been like this for a week and also he has a light brown line in both of his ears but the vet said it's just a line of how his ear folds and that it's just a dry skin molting because he's not used to good food And I'm really confused if he has it or not but I'll keep a eye on him to see if it gets worse then go for another visit but she also said broccoli and mango is bad for them? Is that True
squidpop, I have a HUGE question regarding Revolution dose video that you posted.
This is NOT how much we give here at all. For my 12 lbs rabbit, I just gave him 0.82 ml of 120 mg/ml dose !!! which is 3 (!!!) times more than they suggest in your video. Could someone please look at it and comment ? I m concerned
If he has ear mites there's a home remedy of olive oil, just put a few drops in his ears. It is normal if he tries to shake his heads or starts grooming himself after, also his hair will appear yellow from the olive oil and he may get a funky hairdue afterwards. The olive oil will pretty much drown the mites and go away after continuous appliance. Do this immediately if your rabbit had mites because they can spread and cause a much worse outcome to different areas. DO NOT try to get the scalieness out of the ears, this can cause the ears to bleed and bacteria to form. Separate the rabbit from other rabbits/pets immediately and clean their pen constantly because the scale that falls from the head can infect the rabbit again, and ear mites is contagious. Hope this helps!one of my rabbits has a bit of flakes just coming from his face and behind the ears and does that mean he has ear mites or fur mites and if he has any of those what can i do? And he's 6 months
also mentioned about yesterday news litter has anyone tried that?
Originally some of the treats I purchased I found out are bad for them. Like oat sprays, corn husks and anything yogurt. Why do they sell these things knowing they are bad for buns?