HELP! Is my rabbit Fat or Sick ???

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Barbies Dad

New Member
Apr 29, 2005
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We have 2 rabbits, Barbie and Cindy, they are Dwarf lop-eared rabbits but aren't verydwarf-like as they love to eat.

They have a bowl of nuggets and a bowl of timothy hay everyday. Although they both have put on weight Cindy hasdeveloped a large double chin and some lumps have appeared on both ofher front legs. She doesn't appear to be in any pain, and Iwondered if these are fat lumps or could they be abcesses??
Something that appears to be fatty lumps on thelegs would not be normal. Its hard to speculate what it might bewithout being able to see/feel it, but I would suggest that the rabbitsbe examined by a vet.

Hello and Welcome.

It sounds like make a bit of both. Females develope what'scalled a dewlap. It's perfectly normal and they some can get prettybig. I will give you a link that tells you all about dewlaps.

The legs sound as though she may be a bit chubby. I can'treally be sure though. If you could post a picture it help us what itlooks like. There is another link that I can give you that helpsdetermine if your rabbit is over weight and if so how to correct theproblem.

What kind of pellets are they on? Are they alfalfa or timothybased? Alfalfa is a bit too rich for bunnies over the age of sixmonths. There is a Cheat Sheet posted at the top of the board that hassome awesome dietary links and guidelines. Here is for the CheatSheet.

Here is a picture of my niece Fauna. As you can see she has a dewlap.


I hope this helps.

I will get a picture and post it when I can , the lumps are kind of at the top of her legs but just under her dewlap.

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