Barbies Dad
New Member
We have 2 rabbits, Barbie and Cindy, they are Dwarf lop-eared rabbits but aren't verydwarf-like as they love to eat.
They have a bowl of nuggets and a bowl of timothy hay everyday. Although they both have put on weight Cindy hasdeveloped a large double chin and some lumps have appeared on both ofher front legs. She doesn't appear to be in any pain, and Iwondered if these are fat lumps or could they be abcesses??
They have a bowl of nuggets and a bowl of timothy hay everyday. Although they both have put on weight Cindy hasdeveloped a large double chin and some lumps have appeared on both ofher front legs. She doesn't appear to be in any pain, and Iwondered if these are fat lumps or could they be abcesses??