Thanks for all your support. No he is not indoors, that would make him even more frightened because he never comes inside the house, it scares him. It was bad enough taking him to the vets, he has only been once before so as you can imagine he was panicking quite a lot.
Oh poor baby. I think the emotional scars of abuse/an attack take longer to heal than the physical. Spend lots of time loving on your bun and help him to trust again. ray:
A special place in hell is reserved for those who hurt innocent animals on purpose. :soapbox
I agree with the above. I takes a coward to harm an animal. Get your cages locked down, maybe set a camera up or sleep somewhere outside where you cannot be seen.
I will do. I'm sure the woman (because I am fairly sure I know exactly who did this and why) wouldn't dare touch my bunny while we are in the house, she'd wait till we go on holiday again as she is too scared to have a personal confrontation. I hate seeing my poor boy all depressed it makes me sad. :cry1:
When you go on vacation again, bring your rabbit inside, so that anyone cannot hurt your rabbit. Then have a pet sitter who you can trust check on your rabbit and feed & water your rabbit while you are gone. Wish you were closer to me, because I would pet sit for you while you are on vacation.
Yeah it's a shame we live so far away. That's a good idea, I'll do that thanks. But I have 3 rabbits all in different hutches who are all outside. Should I bring them all in, because that will be hard as at the moment they are in places where they cant see or smell each other. They probably wouldnt have been targeted because they are only 6 months so ard speedy things to say the least and one bites the other kicks and scratches. I'll get a padlock for them and they should be fine.