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If your other rabbit had babies all the time thenwhy are you so suprised you knew what would happen when youput them together because you said they are both well overbreeding age. I put my little one in with a older girl because I trulythought they didnt reach sexual maturity unitl they were six monthsold. I think I caught it in time because he tried the wrong endfirst.He is only 3 months old. unlike you I do not wnat to produce anybabies because there are to many out there that need homes now.
excuse me! BUT that was alittle rude! I am not stupid! I didnt know that my male was a malebecause fur was covering his "things" so sorry for theINCONVINIENCE to you! srry if I offended you ...but you offended mefirst!
How old's the boy, again? My boy's about 13 wks(gee,or older, I should count again), and his sex is totallyobvious. But he's a large rabbit and they "show" more.:p

Anyway, what I mean isare you sure he'sdevelopedsexually yet? They can be late just like humans. If not he could justbe "playing around". I was shocked to seeone ofmyfour-week old babies mounting his siblings. Pam assured methat it didn't mean anything! (whew! thanks pam!).

good luck! I've never had an "accident" but have bred a very few litters and it's a fun process watching them grow.


Like everyone has previously stated numerous times, your rabbits ARE of breeding age!
When the buck was on top of the doe did he fall off the doe in a ballformation? If so then most likely the breeding was sucessful. The doehas to lift her hindquarters in order for the buck to have 'access tothe no no zone' Its possible that she could have lifted however doesare harder to get bred the older they are.

Just a prewarning....just because your doe is of breeding age does NOTmean she will have a problem free kindling. If she has never been bredshe could have delivering problems because her pelvis hasn't expanded.

At 14 days you can palpate your doe to see if she is bred. However ittakes many times before the average person gets good at palpation.

I posted a post about kindling and the palpation process. Let me bump it up and give ya the name of the post.

[shadow=violet] ~*~Amanda~*~ [/shadow]
The post is "is she pregrant". I've bumped it up so you can located it faster.

I'd concur. Most likely she's pregnant, firstbreeding or not. You'll find out in a month one way or the other. Justtreat her like she is and wait and see.

Is she overweight to begin with? Do you feed unlimited food? She'llneed it while pregnant. I heard that overweight does can have problems,but you still need to feed her enough for the babies too.

I had a chunky foster doe that did just fine, but it wasn't her first litter.


P.S. The baby in the avatar is one of that doe's babies at 8 wks old.His name is Bub and he was one of two runts in a litter of nine. He nowweighs at least 6 lbs and is over 13 wks. old. What breeds are yourmale and female?

sevenhappybunnies wrote:
If your other rabbit had babies all the time then why areyou so suprised you knew what would happen when you put themtogether because you said they are both well over breedingage. I put my little one in with a older girl because I truly thoughtthey didnt reach sexual maturity unitl they were six months old. Ithink I caught it in time because he tried the wrong end first.He isonly 3 months old. unlike you I do not wnat to produce any babiesbecause there are to many out there that need homes now.
Well, most "accidents" occur when the owner comes home to find "he" and"she" running around the backyard together. Who knows how long they'vebeen out? Unless you actually watch, it's hard to believe it happens sofast. I had one of my does bred and thought they'd need to be togetherfor at least a couple hours, if not overnight (hey, first litter! I wasclueless!). I took her to the other rabbitry and left her overnight, soI never saw the mating.

The most recent litter was with my buck and a borrowed doe, and I didget to see that for the first time. It was an incredibly brief"courtship"--some bunnies have none at all! I was surprised, and I'vebeen raising bunnies for many years (not as a breeder).

As far as breeding, I know many people feel one should never producemore bunny babies because there are so many needing homes. In fact,some people feel that about children too! lol

But the fact is that there are many responsible breeders who are acredit to the rabbit world, like Pamnock, and raise the quality ofrabbit stock in general. There are also many reasons to breed--it's notalways a matter of "babies are cute, I want one." I bred to replace adearly beloved old Palomino buck who died a few days before his sonsand daughters were born. His son is Bub in my avatar pic, he is justexactly like his dad. All 8 of his siblings were spoken for before theywere born, because a lot of people loved their daddy.

As for accidents--they happen. It only takes one second of relaxedvigilance, and recriminations don't do any good. Don't feel too bad,rabbitluvr. Just secure the locks to prevent a next time!!

Ha! well, at least it's not the other way around. That would be a rough birth!!

should be a funny combination!

Let's see, if I understood Pam's genetic lecture: you could get somebig ones (double normal genes) and some dwarfs (one dwarf, one normalgene).

lol, did I mess that up, Pam???


They'll be cute anyway. All babies are.

rabbitlover,it wasnt meant to be rude but whenyou put a male and female together of course they are going to mate. Iread the threads and no where in there did you tell us you didnt knowhe was amale. sorry if I offended you and I NEVER called you stupid.just seemed a little funny that you were so suprised. SORRRY!
the girls who took two of bunbun's babies putthem together KNOWING they were male and female (despite warnings!!),but they didn't think they'd do anything so fast!

Now she's pregnant at 3 1/2 months. Whew.

those girls were in TROUUUBLE with mom!! :p

I didn't get a litter separated soon enough, andone of the junior does and Mama both were impregnated by oneverysexually maturelittle boy.Theyoung doe kindled at a little less than 4 months ofage. Two of the kits died on the wire, but the rest of themwere born in a nest box, and she raised them. This was duringthe period of time when I had sooo many rabbits.

~ Dolores
any advice for a very young doe and twoinexperienced owners? The girls are 9 and 14. There's always a chancethat she didn't get pregnant, but with bunnies....

I sent a whole sheet of info on pregnancy and birth, but if you've gotanything in particular that's good to remember (that I might havemissed!), I'll pass it along!

Judging from Bub's development, I'd say there's a very good chance thatthere will be babies in a month if his brother is at a similar stage!
