Help! Finally decided to have my bunnies fixed

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Sep 11, 2006
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Well, I've finally decided its worthspaying/neutering the buns. I'm going to start with the boys (Hollisterand Zoe), because they are starting to spray everything around theircages.

My problem is finding an affordable, experienced vet around OrangeCounty. I called Yorba Regional this afternoon... but they wanted $140for a neuter and $170 for a spay! Anyone have suggestions?
Here's a few:

Remember to ask about payment plans, & of course spread the surgeries over time.

As you may know, ask the vets how many of these jobs they do, how manythey lose (should be almost none), & whether they want therabbit to fast the night before (answer should be No). Askwhat kind of anesthesia - should be gas.

(Neat - Conejo Valley. Conejo is Spanish for rabbit!)
Heres a great RO link with lots of vet resources (questions to ask and such):

Also, you might want to check into care credit. Its a credit card thatcan be used for veterinary expenses and if you pay it back within a fewmonths you avoid interest charges.:

I think altering is a great idea. I noticed such a change in my boysafter their neuter. That spraying can be horrifying (especially if youget it in the face..yuck!).

Keep us posted!
Are there any low cost spay/neuter programs thatdo rabbits in your area? My local Humane Society runs onethat includes rabbits. It's only $30. Try callinglocal shelters because they'd probably know.
Bunman wrote:
(Neat - Conejo Valley. Conejo is Spanish for rabbit!)

We drove through conejo valley on our way to the augora hills animal shelter.

Speaking of which, call your shelter and see what vet they use andreccomend, or if they do spay/neuters there. Chances aretheir vet is good and has a good price.
I've been searching for a vet that doesspay/neuter surgeries, but alas no one around here does that. Myregular vet referred me to the Ohio State University vets. Personally,I can afford going to them for 3 rabbits. I calledthe localanimal shelter and they told me about the RASCAL Unit. Rascal standsfor Roaming Animal Sterilization Clinic at Low-Cost. They're a mobileunit that travels all over Ohio offering spay/neuter surgeries at a lowcost for dogs, cats, and rabbits. The rabbit sterilization is only $40for a spay or neuter. After seeing what some people have paid for thesurgeries, I think $40 is quite reasonable. So my advice would be tocall your local shelter and see if they know of any similar programs inyour area.

~ Heather, Elliott, Hannah, and Cookie

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