Please do not feed ANYTHING but goats milk.
KMR and baby formula and "milk" will dehydrate and kill this baby as the molecules in it even when broken down are to big(you'll know this by recalling everpuking up milk products). Goats milk breaks down into very very small molecules so bunny is able to digest it.
Goats milk must be fed ONLY twice a day-Usually 6AM and 9PM(that is when Momma does it). You must add PROBIOTICS to the feeding. I use "Garden of Life" PerfectFood Berry with 1 billion prob. per unit. You can use benenac but in fact the PFB is better-too there now is a new PROBIO out for bunnies specifically...called Proviable-RB.
Plz also dont use yogurt to get probios into baby.
Plz know, It can take 30 minutes to get down one CC of goats milk many times-esp. if baby is dehydrated and malnourished when you are starting to feed.
Ck babies skin for tenting/dehydration. If skin stays tented baby needs subque fluids ASAP to save her. You can try syringeing water but best to get to a vet to do sub que unless you know how and have a bag, hose and small guage needle.
You must feed baby till belly is rounded and firm. You must then stimulate baby to potty by gently taking a cottonball warmed up/wettened with water and make sure baby pottys.
Do this before and after feedings.
Baby is less likely to eat if she has not pottied.
This baby looks between 2 and 3 weeks.
After you get 2 good feedings in and you start seeing some pills, please take magnifying glass and flashlight and look deep into ears and all over by groin and in between toes for tics and botfly strike. Look daily for at least 2 weeks.Keep quaretined from all other animals and keep baby in dark and quiet area.Ck for fleas also which can only safely be treated with Orvitrol. Spray 2 spurts on wet warm washclothe and gently rub all over baby including inside little ears and on belly but stay away from eyes and mouth.
Even at this young age it is best to offer and have available in enclosure with baby, alfalfa based pellets, alfalfa hay, regular timmy hay in by baby and a water bottle.I also count about 7-10 cherios(so I can keep track if baby does munch some on her own)and a teaspoon of whole oats and put them in with baby.
You will be surprised at how young they will begin to feed themselves-that does not mean they can go without syring feedings and probios which their Momma would have dlivered to them if she was still with baby.
I would also pick and wash dandilions greens, fresh grass, a little parsley and add it to babies safe place.Fill hay up over babies head so baby can burrow but make water bottle and food place known to baby.
Plz feel free to call or email me....231-865-6021 christinelea1@
yahoo . com(remove spaces
