Well-Known Member
i went to check on my bunny beau and instead of being his usual hoppy self he was very still , i picked him up and his whole stomach felt solid and there was a massive lump that was solid on his right side , he was very quiet and i noticed he had not touched his food or water all day, i rang the vets and was just waiting for my mum to come sit with kids so could get him seen but he started making strange noises with his breathing and just wanted to cuddle into my neck i put him on the floor to lay on a towel while i got organised and he tried to hop towards me my other bunny started crying and thumping and trying to get to him , he then started having bubbles and fluid coming out of his nose and then his mouth he tried to get back to the bed i made him but lost control of his back legs and began twitching and looked like he was fitting , unfortunatly as you already have guessed he didnt make it , i have taken his body to the vets for a post mortem but does anyone know what could have caused this he seemed fine yesterday , forgot to say he was making occasonal squeaking sounds before the fluid came out of his nose
thanks hailie
thanks hailie