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New Member
Jan 11, 2005
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Hi! My name is Lana. I have a bunny named Roxxi.Also, I have a mouse named Sniff who just had nine completelyunexpected babies yesterday nite. I'm thirteen... and there isn'treally much to say left. Oh yeah! I have a kitty named Cheetah. Pleasewriteback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

Hi Lana and welcome to the forum. Nine newbabies, you must be so excited! I love babies, my baby bunnies will betwo months in a couple of days. We got all of them good homes exceptone little girl that we are keeping. Her name is Samara, her moms nameis Fergi and I also have a Flemish Giant rabbit named Diva who isfour-months-old and HUGE!! It would be nice to see a picture of yourbunny and of course pictures of the baby mice!

Fergi's mom

welcome! i was a new memberyesterday! i'm 12, and again, welcome!!! I have a bun namedCherry, and my mother named her. it does not pronouce as the fruit, itis pronouce as CER-ry, I know it is an unknown name, but it'll have todo for now.

Welcome! I'm Michelle, I'm 20, I have 2 rabbits(soon to be 3, I hope!), 4 turtles, 1 lobster (one died the other day:(), about 100 fishies, and 5 frogs!

I hope to see pics of your animals!!!
MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
Welcome! I'm Michelle, I'm 20, I have 2 rabbits (soon to be3, I hope!), 4 turtles, 1 lobster (one died the other day :(), about100 fishies, and 5 frogs!

I hope to see pics of your animals!!!
What kind of frogs do you have? My mother has several frogs. :)
I have 2 green leopard frogs and 2 african albino frogs :) And 4 Red Earred Slider turtles...:)
Oh cool! Mom has leopard frogs,firebelly toads, whites tree frogs, a dumpy and something else, I can'tremember I think green leaf frog or something :)
Welcome to the forum! I think you will find youlike it here. Everyone is really friendly. :pJust jump inwherever you like!

I used to have a Red-eyed Tree Frog. It died a long time ago though.:(His name was Tex, hehe. Now I have 4 cats, 3 dogs, 5 buns,and an african dormouse. :)

Hello Roxxi,

You've got the same ISP as Cherry. I didn't think you knew each other by the way you came across in this thread.

Very Confused.

Can you explain this to me?

Man do I feel old, by the way i'm well lets say aLOT older then 12 or 13 or 20 for that matter. Welcome by the way, Ihave 40 chickens,1 emu,14 rabbits plus 6 new kits that were born Monday.
I forgot the tell you my pets...I have. 8rabbits, 5 cats, 1 chinchilla, 1 hedgehog, 11 or 13 birds...(i lostcount), 2 turtles, like 20 fish and 1 goat...i think thats all thats inmy zoo. lol

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