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Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
Milwaukee, ,
Hello everyone! I recently adopted a male bunny fromthe Humane society. I amd allergic to dogs and cats and I was hungryfor a pet so I came home with a bunny. He is soo spoiled! He has thelargest cage I have ever seen! Well we have had him for almost 2 monthsand he started doing something this past week that I am very angrywith! He started like spraying things with urine. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!He usually can run around where ever he wants when he is supervised butI had to put a sign on his cage that says,"do not let me out I amgrounded." I don't know what to do! Is this because he was notneautered yet? He is going to be neutered this summer so will thathelp? It's like he has to mark his territory everywhere including me toshow what is his! HE is the absolute cutest little bun bun ever but heis soo sassy! THanks everyone! Maybe someone will have ananswer.

Yep, sounds like territory marking, and yeshaving himneutered should stop it. I know it's not a very nice thing to besprayed.:?

Any pictures?:biggrin:

Enjoy the forum,

~Michaela and the girls~ :bunny16:bunny16:bunny16

Hi there

Welcome to the forum :)

And yes, I agree, it sounds like territorial marking. So neutering should help :)

I hope you find the forum friendly and supportive :)

Take care of yourself

Welcome to the forum! I'm just north of you, in Sheboygan. :wave2

What shelter did you adopt him from? I thought the WisconsinHumane Society in Milwaukee neutered their rabbits before they adoptedthem out? Or was this one maybe too young?Neutering will definately help with this.
I have the same problem with my littleguy!!! I tried having another litterbox outside his cagewhich he will use but continues to spray everything andeveryone!!!! I have been told that after he is fixed, itshould stop. We are currently working on getting him anappointment.
Same here we put litter boxes all over ourhome and finally I said I can't take it anymore. He is only let out onehour a day now and it is in the spare bedroom fully supervised. I can'thave him running around spraying me and everything else. Good luch andtell me how it turns out!
Yes, he was only just 9 weeksold when we got him. He has become such a big guy since than. I calledto make an appt. to be fixed but she said I can't get him fixed untilhis testicles drop and I can't tell if they have yet! HelP!!
The bucks testicles will look like pink sacs underneath him - you'll know if they've dropped. :expressionless

There's guidelines on how to put pictures on inthisthread

~Michaela and the girls~ :bunny16:bunny16:bunny16