
Rabbits Online Forum

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New Member
Nov 21, 2006
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I was asked to join here afterbeing torn apart on a yahoo list. My name is Tracy and I have hadcavies and chinchillas for over 10 years but have just been intorabbits for about a year now. I breed and show lionheads but I do havetwo holland lops. I only have about 7 bunnies and they areall so different. I live in PA. Thanks for inviting me to theforum.:thanks:
Hi Tracy :) :hello

Glad to see you here.

This thread may or may not be incorporated into the New Members thread,btw, I'll leave that up to the Mods and our wonderful forum hostMaherwoman, who I'm sure will show you the ropes.:)

Until then, I will point out that we have a Rabbitrysectionwhere I promise nobody will lambast you foraskingbreedingquestions. ;)


Our resident Lionhead breeder Mod, TinysMom, is working on a novel thismonth, but maybe she'll stick her head in the door and say 'hi'.

And Pam, your neighbour and another Mod, is an ARBA judge,maybe you've seen her at some shows. :D

Again, :welcome1

sas :) the warren :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:and the forum :group:

PS: We love pics!

Hi, Cavy!! Welcome to the site!!

I'm sorry the other forum you were at gave you a hard time.You needn't worry here...we're chock full of really wonderful people,and don't make a habit of flaming or making others feel bad.:) I know what you mean about other forums, though...I've hadtrouble with ANY other forum I tried to post at...thankfully, none ofthose people have ever made over to here (that I've seen...if they did,they were quickly asked to either change their attitude, orleave). So, you shouldn't have any problems here. :)

We're one big happy Bunny-Lovin' family! :D

So nice to see you here...we hope you have a wonderful time, and enjoytalking with everyone here. If you ever have a problem, feelabsolutely free to write either me, or any of the mods, and we'll helpyou handle things. :)

See ya around the forum!!


P.S. We love ya already! :)

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