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May 17, 2006
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Hi all:apollo:

My name is Lis and I have a male dwarf lop bunny calledThumper. I know it's a common name but when I got Thumper at10 wks I was told he was a girl , and named him Lolly!However,when I went to the vets it turned out he was a he. So, becausehe kept stamping at the vet I named him Thumper. He is now he is 1yr5mths.

I was a bit bothered the other night because I came home from aclass(sign lang) and a bit tired flopped on the chouch. Itwas just me as Jonathan:bunnyhearthad gone out and Thump was sat on therug watching tv. When all of a sudden he stamped atme. It tried to give him some attention, but he just stampedagain and again. Then, after about 10 mins of this( he wasbehind the couch by this point) I pulled the couch out + followed himaround the living room( thinking he was attention seeking + he likes agame of chase:bunnydance:)and picked him up and gave him acuddle. He seem to calm downand back settled on thrug again. But, 5 mins later he started again butthen stop a min later when Jon came back. I was a bitconfused as this is not his normal behaviour and there was nothing thatcould have scared him, so is he being bad tempered or attentioseeking? Thanx.
Hi! Welcome to the forum!! MaybeThumper was just in a bad mood that day. My rabbits get likethat occasionally. They just dont want to be botheredsometimes. Is he still doing it or was it just that oneday?

Had you changed anything or were there any wierd noises?Sometimes mine thump or get nervous when I don't noticeanything. I think it's probably something that I can'tnotice, like the scent of a cat going past our door outside or afar-away noise that my ears can't pick up.

Or maybe he missed Jonathan?
There was no noise that I noticed, and he's notdone it since. May be he did miss jon! Cos he stopped as soonas he come in and I've not changed any thing. It justbothered me because of the length of time he did for

thanx lis xxx:bouquet:

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