Hello, short version of my story goes like this. About 4 months ago my 13 year old son found a bun in our yard. It was so tame that we knew he had to be someone's pet but I tried for days to find the owners. Come to find out the young boy on the next block was the owner but said " Oh he can have him" like the poor little thing was yesterday's newspaper. Anyway I was glad because as much as I liked to have thought my bun was just lost and hungry ( his backbone was showing he was so skinny ) I do not think that was the case. That boy just did not care. Which brings me here. I have read till my eyes hurt and now Comet has a beautiful NIC cage that I built myself, lots of love and he could not be happier. I will try to post a picture and I am hoping that someone can tell me what breed he is. He is getting bigger by the day. I used to have rabbits 30 years ago and I never thought I could get attached so fast again as an adult. I am getting great advice here, thanks!
I just added his picture in my avatar, but I dont think it is close enough to really see him good. :?
I just added his picture in my avatar, but I dont think it is close enough to really see him good. :?