i'm new to this fourm & have been meaning to join a rabbit fourm for a while! ive got my first two rabbits last august and ever since then i've wanted more & more:innocent
My first two are Eddie & Troy(brothers),i think there colouring is 'Himalayan'(correct me if i'm wrong) who were from a 'breeder', im not too sure if she was an a actual 'breeder' or just bred rabbits for money as she kept them in indoor rabbit cages o u t s i de ! they are a lovely temperament, they do prefer a good stroke and a cheek rub then a cuddle but they don't mind .
The next bunny is benji a gourgous albino!- my mum saw an ad on gumtree and knew she had to rescue him after ringing up about it & hearing his nice 5year old 'owner' used to pull his tail & pull him about!
& my final bunny who i only got on monday, Little tinkerbell, my mum&dad went to a local RSPCA,shes a gourgous tiny natural coloured rabbit!- & saw she was the last of a litter they had in and thought she would make a perfect 'girlfriend' for benji<3 we brought her home and began the bonding process, i had recently brought a new 7x5 shed for him (he hadn't been in yet) so i thought this would be perfect as it was neither of there territory's, my dad put up a d.i.y 'fence' sectioning half the shed so they could smell & nose-touch each other, all was going fine-no aggression even though benji dose have a temper!they were sitting as close as they could get to each other all day! :biggrin: this was then fine on Tuesday & this morning to my surprise tinkerbell had somehow climbed/jumped the fence & was in with benji snuggling! i had to double check both of them over but all was fine & they seem to be getting on perfect since then!
btw- I have had all the boys neutered, & all there health checks done, injections & everything, i have booked in tinkerbell's first vaccination appointment & health check & will book her to be spayed at a later date :innocent
They all live in 7x5 sheds with a daily accessible 20x5 outdoor run fully fox proofed & safe!
-i will post pictures soon but photobucket is down</3!
i'm new to this fourm & have been meaning to join a rabbit fourm for a while! ive got my first two rabbits last august and ever since then i've wanted more & more:innocent
My first two are Eddie & Troy(brothers),i think there colouring is 'Himalayan'(correct me if i'm wrong) who were from a 'breeder', im not too sure if she was an a actual 'breeder' or just bred rabbits for money as she kept them in indoor rabbit cages o u t s i de ! they are a lovely temperament, they do prefer a good stroke and a cheek rub then a cuddle but they don't mind .
The next bunny is benji a gourgous albino!- my mum saw an ad on gumtree and knew she had to rescue him after ringing up about it & hearing his nice 5year old 'owner' used to pull his tail & pull him about!
& my final bunny who i only got on monday, Little tinkerbell, my mum&dad went to a local RSPCA,shes a gourgous tiny natural coloured rabbit!- & saw she was the last of a litter they had in and thought she would make a perfect 'girlfriend' for benji<3 we brought her home and began the bonding process, i had recently brought a new 7x5 shed for him (he hadn't been in yet) so i thought this would be perfect as it was neither of there territory's, my dad put up a d.i.y 'fence' sectioning half the shed so they could smell & nose-touch each other, all was going fine-no aggression even though benji dose have a temper!they were sitting as close as they could get to each other all day! :biggrin: this was then fine on Tuesday & this morning to my surprise tinkerbell had somehow climbed/jumped the fence & was in with benji snuggling! i had to double check both of them over but all was fine & they seem to be getting on perfect since then!
btw- I have had all the boys neutered, & all there health checks done, injections & everything, i have booked in tinkerbell's first vaccination appointment & health check & will book her to be spayed at a later date :innocent
They all live in 7x5 sheds with a daily accessible 20x5 outdoor run fully fox proofed & safe!
-i will post pictures soon but photobucket is down</3!