I am new here and just got my first english angora about 1-2 weeks ago. She is about 10-12 weeks? She has her own room. I keep her in an X-lg dog crate when she is resting. She was immediately litter-box trained when I put her in her crate. I followed suggestions of newspaper and hay-it worked! I clean her cage about every day and a half. I was amazed at the amount of poop!I feed her 16 % pellets,( because I can't find 18% )1/3c. in the a.m and 1/3c. p.m., a handful of alfalfa, a small bowl of veggies and a large handful of timothy,and all the fresh water she can drink. If I forget her pellets, she throws her bowl at the sides of the crate. I have her water in a bowl because all the water bottles I tried, leaked. She is a pointed lilac. She seems to be in good health except for an initial case of ???? watery eyes and nasal discharge,very slight ,which seem to have disappeared. She also had mites? which I treated her for.She got her first partial shearing today,and will finish tomorrow. I am trying to bond with her-she is slowly warming up to me.:big wink:All in all it is a lot of work, but I love my new bunny. No name yet-She arrived the day of the ROYAL WEDDING so I am leaning towards Kate, or is it William???????:?