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Mar 5, 2013
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hi Everybody,

I am new here :)
My Holland Lop sadly passed away April 29th 2012 so I don't currently have a rabbit but I have been researching Flemish Giants and would love to own one sometime in the future.
I love rabbits and really miss having one, my lop was unbelievable. Just the sweetest thing in the world.
I live with my parents so it will be awhile before I will be able to have a rabbit in my life again (our house is pretty full with 4 parrots and 2 cats) but I love seeing the stories you all have about your rabbits :)

Here are some pictures of Charmyn, my Holland Lop. Yes I put diapers on her lol we have wood floors and tile around the house and she hated running on it, so she would stay on the couches and poop and pee everywhere! I got the brilliant idea to put infant diapers on her (and got lots of looks from the cashiers as I was 15 when I brought her home) and it worked like a charm! She was the most patient girl...she let me dress her up and wore the diapers like a champ!





Thanks for the welcome :) I look forward to learning more about bunnies...they are just the sweetest animals I hate that there are so many in shelters

Just wanted to say that you needn't buy diapers for the next bun who comes into your life. A litter box would be cheaper & likely more comfortable. (I'd be worried about their ability to clean themselves & ingesting bits of the diaper.)
She didn't wear her diapers all the time. Only when she came downstairs to play. When she played in her carpeted areas she went diaper free and was always supervised :)
I also used diapers to put her in costumes :p
She really was the most patient girl <3 Seeing all of your beautiful rabbits makes me miss her more and more. I can't wait until I can get another
She was a beautiful little girl and we're so sorry for your loss. Another large breed you might consider is the Checkered Giant. We have one that is over 19 pounds, and as a breed, they are very active for large bunnies. It's something to watch her run around the room binkying. She's also a big time lap bunny and loves to be rubbed.
Thanks for the tip! I will definitely look into them...I love giant breeds. I own a Savannah cat, which is a Serval hybrid. The World's Tallest pet cat is an Savannah. My Savannah has helped me a lot since Charmyn passed. I got a cat instead of a rabbit because I felt I would be looking for Charmyn's personality in another bunny and every animal should be loved for the personality it has. Now that it has been almost a year, I really really miss having a rabbit
Binky free Charmyn.

Welcome to RO!! So sorry about your bun-bun passing.
Thanks for the warm welcome!
Charmyn had some digestion trouble a few times, so had been on Critical Care. The weekend she passed, it was the same and I brought her to the vet. We caught it early on, and the vet listened to her stomach and heard gurgling, so gave us some Critical Care and sent us on our way. She began to improve, and everything started passing and she was eating better but still getting Critical Care. I went up to give her her last feeding of the day and when I picked her up half her body was paralyzed and she wasn't able to move. I don't know what happened, but she passed later that night. She was 5. It was awful! It was the first time I really experienced the loss of an animal companion, and I miss her every day.

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