Heeeeeelllllllllpppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!! FLEAS!!!!!!

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Vickie, you are so sweet and precious. Thank you so much for asking.

So far, so good. I think that we caught the problembefore it got too bad. It had gotten to the point that themore I checked him, the more fleas I found. They even startedjumping off on me!

I haven't found any sores. Just little red spots fromwhere he's been scratching and was probably bitten. Theitching has slowed down quite a bit and he had a nice peacefulnap. I'm getting ready to give him his dinner in afew minutes.

The vet said that it would take about 12 hours to geteverything under control. I'm counting the minutes.
This is exactly the reply I got about the salt onthe floors.....they use it on carpet, hardwood, whatever.....that "Saltis a natural desiccant. That's why it dries out the fleaeggs. (So it would most likely dry out the carpet,too:).)

That's about all I can offer on the subject as I have not had to do anything like that yet...hope that I don't have to!!!
carrots wrote:
Atip for keeping fleas of the carpet is to put a cat flea coller insideyour hover to suck up and kill the fleas. :)

Carrots :)

Actually, I can strongly suggest against wasting your money on a fleacollar. My dad is a vet, and thus has access to testingresults and all sorts of information about flea control.Through this data I can tell you that flea collars do nothing to killfleas unless they sit right on the collar( and often times not eventhen). However, most fleas have enough sense to just walk/hoparound the collar... its not much of an obstacle...Basically, flea collars are a waste of money, in my opinion.I would certainly try other options first. :? Goodluck!!
How's King Sherman??? Is he scratchinga lot? I hope he's doing better. Good thing youcaught it so fast. Give him an extra special treat from me.

Thanks, Dolores! :D

FriendoftheBunnies, thanks so much for theinfo. BTW, I'm loving your newavatar!

Wabbitwuv, thanks so much for asking. He'smuch more comfortable now. I suspect that by tomorrow morninghe'll be ready to reascend the throne. ;)