Health Question - Coccidia?

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Active Member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Virginia, , USA
My bunnies' vet recently did a test on theirfeces and discovered what he thinks is Coccidia. My rabbits (Floppy& Butterscotch)were at the vet for an issue unrelatedto their intestinal tract (they have respiratory infections), and I'mwondering now if I should treat them with the medicine he has given me(sulfadimethoxine). I haven't begun treatment for the coccidia yetbecause he wanted us to heal the rabbits from the respiratoryinfections first.

I just read the article posted on HRS's website about Coccidia byJeffrey R. Jenkins, DVM. This medicine, sulfadimethoxine, is not one ofthe medicines Dr. Jenkins recommends. And, Dr. Jenkins stated that notall rabbits who have been diagonsed with coccidia actually have it, orwill suffer ill effects from it. Right now, both rabbits are eatingwell and pooping normally. Would it hurt the rabbits to proceed withtreatment? I'm worried if the organism is in them and they are immuneto it, medicating unnecessarily will hurt their immunities. If anyoneknows about coccidia, I would appreciate advice.Thanks!
Please don't think you're beingignored. I don't think there are too many of us who areknowledgeable in the area you're requesting information.There are a few who may be and, perhaps, they will respondtoyour query soon.

In the meantime, link to down to parasites. Under that heading you willfind five or six articles that may be of benefit to you at this time.

So sorry I, personally, cannot be of more help to you.

Ronnelle wrote:
I'm worried if the organism is in themand they are immune to it, medicating unnecessarily will hurt theirimmunities. If anyone knows about coccidia, I would appreciateadvice. Thanks!
Low counts of intestinal coccidia are considered normal inrabbits. High counts are often found in rabbits withcompromised immune systems.

As long as the rabbits are healthy and have low cocci counts, you are making a wise choice by avoiding unnecessary medications.

Warmest Welcome Aboard, Ronnelle,

I have nothing to add that what has already been said other than my prayers and thoughts for you, Floppy, and Butterscotch.

I know some people who regularily treat forcoccidiosis, but i never have. If you do notice symptoms andhave to treat them, sulfadimethoxine is the right thing touse. (actually i thought it was sulfaquinoxine, but maybethat's for something else and i'm making a complete fool of myself!:D)
Thanks for all of the information. I will ask thevet if the count was low or high when we go in on Sat. for theirfollow-up. Buck, thanks for the link; I'll look into that. I reallyenjoy reading this forum and appreciate everyone's willingness to helpeach other out. Thanks!

I have had rabbits with coccidiosis,the medicinei used is Corid,many breeders routinely treat for this, being exposedto many diseases going to shows.the symptoms are diahrrea and weightloss andpoor condition.bluebird
In the uk vets recommend vaccination forcoccidiosis, I'm not sure if the risk is higher over here.Just as a small aside can anyone explain how to pronounce it?I was speaking to my vet about the vaccination and pronounced it'cock-sidy-osis' and he looked at me like I was a doofus!

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