Head Tilt (RIP)

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I was wrong. they did a culture at the last visit, we are just waiting for the results, tomorrow or sat.
She is eating except they said she is thrashing and flopping around a lot and they think she is in a lot of pain.
We have a vet appt at 3:30 tonight and they are going to take another look.
Right now she is on 3 ear drops a day, and a milky white liquid says my bf lol. He is at work so he doesnt know the names of the meds.
I hope all goes well tonight and then I can make a nice comfy bed for Reese just like Ringos bed :)
Glad to hear that you got a culture done. She will need strong medication tho... like Pen G, which is an injectable (your vet can show you how), which will need to be given every day (since you'll be getting the Canadian version).

Hopefully Randy can PM or respond with the necessary meds and schedules. I had Jacub on an every other day schedule, and things just got worse and worse.

The rolling, while looking uncomfortable, is really just your bunny finding that the world is upside down. If you can create a small place (like pictured above) with lots of padding that should help. But also, like Claire mentioned, Meclizine (anti-nausea) helps some bunnies who are rolling. But you can't get that in Canada. If you want some I am going over to the states tomorrow and can pick it up and then mail it to you.

I'm glad to hear that she's still eating. If she's having any trouble due to the rolling you might have to syringe feed her some water and/or critical care... just to suppliment what she's able to get on her own.

I'll keep your bun in my prayers!!!!
I am really concerned about the med and would really like to see what they are. And when I hear "milky white liquid"....I am thinking penicillin and I hope if that is the case that it is being injected.....maybe it's Metacam.

Depending on the bacteria that is grown, my drugs of choice are penicillin (injectable only), Convenia (injected only), Chloramphenicol, Zithromax or Zeniquin. These drugs are usually effective against the pathogens most often isolated from ear cultures. There is a rather involved protocol I use with tilters.....and things may get a lot worse before they get better. When Yoda was at his worst, I actually pulled off to the side of the road to see if he were still alive. I treated his ear infection for over 8 months. It is a rare ear infection that resolves quickly.

Please post the meds being used. A correct and aggressive protocol is required to resolve a vestibular infection. If it's not treated properly, the infection will usually move to the brain stem and that brings on much more talk.

littlemisslacie wrote:
I was wrong. they did a culture at the last visit, we are just waiting for the results, tomorrow or sat.
She is eating except they said she is thrashing and flopping around a lot and they think she is in a lot of pain.
We have a vet appt at 3:30 tonight and they are going to take another look.
Right now she is on 3 ear drops a day, and a milky white liquid says my bf lol. He is at work so he doesnt know the names of the meds.
I hope all goes well tonight and then I can make a nice comfy bed for Reese just like Ringos bed :)
i just readmy pm//the rabbit was pts,,,:pink iris:,,we lost one,guys//-james waller
Yes sorry guys my mom took her into the vet today at 3 and they euthanized her.
they said they were surprised she lasted that long.
she was on Chloramphenicol for sure and another drug I believe and it made it worse i guess.
unfortunately i dont know the details :(
Its so sad.. she was only 6 months.. she just got spayed like a month ago. I think it may be a while before i get another bunny though.
Thank you for everyones help!
I wish I was home and could have had more control over what was happening to her. I guess now i know for next time :(
I'm so sorry. She was such an adorable little girl, and it sounds either like the vet wasn't really motivated to treat her, or they caught the infection too late. From here, it's hard to tell. Maybe it's best to wait until you can keep the rabbit with you (are you in college and Lacie was back home with the family?) to get another. I know if she had been with you, she would have gotten the best care. I'm not saying that she necessarily didn't get great treatment, It's just hard to tell without knowing the whole story.

Binky free, Lacie.
littlemisslacie wrote:
Yes sorry guys my mom took her into the vet today at 3 and they euthanized her.
they said they were surprised she lasted that long.
she was on Chloramphenicol for sure and another drug I believe and it made it worse i guess.
unfortunately i dont know the details :(
Its so sad.. she was only 6 months.. she just got spayed like a month ago. I think it may be a while before i get another bunny though.
Thank you for everyones help!
I wish I was home and could have had more control over what was happening to her. I guess now i know for next time :(
Sorry for your loss! :rainbow:Binky Free Little One :pink iris:

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