She turns out being a he lol we got 2 rabbits for free today, we let them together, and dribbles mounted the girls, so we split them up. lol the girls are called Nibbles and Honey (not dutch dont now what breed they are) they have a slightly longer pointy tail. They are 8 months old and they are already bigger than Dribbles who is 2!!! lol
Yes yes. That's the only reason we can't get a girly friend for Oreo yet, he's yet to be fixed, grr. Money reasons, unfortunantly. So we have to keep him away form our cat...he thinks she's a bunny.:rollseyes:
But anyways it's great you found out Dribble's real gender. Poor thing ^^;
Thinking about letting them together now, how long wil it take for a rabbit to have babys as i think they might have already made a go of it lol within minitues they were at it. Dont now if shes pregnant or not?
If Dribbles is a boy (Do you know for sure? Females mount females too to show dominance, it's not just a male trait) DO NOT let him with the females. There are already lots of unwanted buns, not to add to the population, especially with cross breeds. If you've had them together, then between 28-31 days you should expect a litter. Did you have both females with the male? Keep them seperate, don't put them together until you get Dribbles neutered.
It only takes a few seconds for a female to get pregnant.
Rabbits do not have a cycle like other animals, they are forced ovulators. Their eggs will drop when they have been mated, so they are receptive at all times.
If your new bunny is a male, then your female is most likely already pregnant.
Best to get your male neutered ASAP, and then keep him seperate untill at least 4 weeks after the neuter to make sure no viable sperm are left.
You have to make sure the genitals are pulled apart all the way, and if it is a fully mature male, then the penis will pop out. And a girl will look like a taco or tear drop.
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