She's definitely getting better, Bo
Right now, she is royally PO'd with me. She's hiding in her hide-out place in the corner. She came out for a bit earlyer, but as soon as she noticed me noticing her, she zoomed back under, LOL.
Atleast she's getting her exercise
Well, I can understand how she feels... we poked her with a needle, twice (she pulled away when we were doing SC fluids), she had a butt wash, and was syringed with the dreaded Critical Care, and some simethicone, all in one go LOL. You'd run too, I bet
Anyway, I think her poos are firming up, haven't seen runny stuff after the butt wash, anyway... just keeping my fingers crossed. She drank quite a lot out of her water bowl, and ate a bit of greens. She attacked the dill quite enthusiastically, also the kale
When I talked to the vet, she wasn't too concerned about the poo, yet. She said to keep an eye on it, and if it doesn't get better, call again tomorrow. She said they might call to check up again, too. Hazel's regular vet, the main bunny vet, will be in then, so she may want to be in touch anyway. She calls Hazel her "favorite little hopper"