They are on the west coast in the US. There may be other online hay companies closer to you & therefore less expensive with the shipping charges. My bunny girls love all of the hay I have purchased from them. They always come running when they know I am giving them their Sierra Valley hay!
Another hay option is to buy it from your local feed store. That is the least expensive way to buy large quantities of hay. I think it only is $8 for a bale of horse quality hay locally. Unfortunately, my bunnies do not care for the only kind of hay I can get locally which is Bermuda grass hay.
I do know they have some east coast companies that sell hay online but I have not used them so don't remember other companies that other members have recommended. Hopefully they will be here soon & give you their recommendations. In the meantime you may want to do a search here on hay threads to find some recommendations for other online hay companies. I love Sierra Valley Hay & so do my bunnies but it is a bit pricey. Even so it is much cheaper & better quality than the pet store little bags of hay in the long run. Their hay is much fuller & longer stems of hay instead of short, thin little hay pieces I get in the pet store bags.
I like it because the hay is in long strands, not the chopped up kind from the pet stores. They are in Massachusetts. The hay is a reasonable price, but the shipping is expensive. I have it shipped to where my husband works because it's a little cheaper to send it to a commercial address. I get my pellets from them too. The ingredients are similar to Oxbow. I also get papaya treats from them, which my bunnies love!