Hay gets everywhere

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Aug 5, 2010
Reaction score
farmington, Minnesota, USA
Minnie and Maddie always get their hay all over the floor. Then Minnie thinks the floor is a litter pan and pees on my carpet. How can I contain their hay? I dont know how I would use a hay rack because there is nothing to attach one to, except for the litter pan. I tried a big ceramic bowl but Minnie just digs it up. I have also tried to put it in a tissue box but they just fling it everywhere.
You could try getting a plastic bin with a lid and cutting a whole in it so they can eat it but not throw it everywhere. You would need to file the edges of the cut to avoid injury. If you have the tools, you could build a box made of wood. It doesn't have to be huge unless your buns eat a lot of hay.

You could also use NIC grids to make a space for a hay rack. 1X2 or even 1X1 would work and would give space to attach a hay rack. I would put something under this and up the grids to help keep the hay contained.

Having a big pan, like the bottom of a cage, could work as a hay feeding area. It would be easier to clean than your carpet and keep the hay mostly contained. NIC panels could be used for a hay rack with this too.
welcome to the world of bunnies..hay is its own Entity....there is no escaping it...you cant fight it .your efforts are futile...just give in and let it take over ur house...like i did.
When we try to contain anything, we use apple boxes we get at the store. You can cut a hole thru both pieces and pt a litter pan inside. When it's time to clean, you just pull the top off, clean, and replace. They are cheap, effective, and also another chew toy.
Thanks. I will have to try all of those things and see what works best.
Flash, lol. If Minnie didnt pee on my floor because of they hay being all over the floor I wouldnt care.
I got a gravity bin feeder, one of the metal ones then used a dremal to cut off the bottom part of the front leaving more room in the "basket" part and so far the hay is staying put much better and Ziggy isn't dragging it all over the cage lol. The hay in the box is from before putting in the gravity bin.

