Retired Moderator
For anyone that is having problems finding hay in their area...I called all over the place trying to find plain old Timothy Hay! No one had it! Timothy and Alfalfa mixes yes...but no plain Timothy. Finally I got p*ssed and decided to call some horse stables. They were getting their hay from somewhere!! I found a lady that grows her own andis willing to sell me bales for $3! I was spending almost $100 at the petstore a month, not to mention I had to drive out of town to get it!!!:shock:
My suggestion is if you can't find it at feed stores and places like places that board horses, stables, equestrian centers etc...You don't have to buy it from them if you don't think it is good quality! But it doesn't hurt to look! Ours is a mix of different types of grassy hay and the bunns go wild for it!!! And for $3 you can't beat a deal like that!!
I forgot to mention too...we bought our bale about a month ago and we are still only about halfway thru it! It last so much longer and smells so much fresher! I have no idea why I didn't think of it sooner!
My suggestion is if you can't find it at feed stores and places like places that board horses, stables, equestrian centers etc...You don't have to buy it from them if you don't think it is good quality! But it doesn't hurt to look! Ours is a mix of different types of grassy hay and the bunns go wild for it!!! And for $3 you can't beat a deal like that!!
I forgot to mention too...we bought our bale about a month ago and we are still only about halfway thru it! It last so much longer and smells so much fresher! I have no idea why I didn't think of it sooner!