My cat just developed a blind eye following a severeinfection. This is how his eye looks, only I would say his ismore cloudy pink.hmmmmm....I knew Nimue wasblind because his eye turned a cloudy purple color.
im almost wondering if cadbury is partially blind.he kinda sways his head and majorly sniffs while he ismoving.
Cadbury sounds (and looks) just like my Napoleon. I think hemay be somewhat blind too. When I noticed him scanning, Iposted about it and was directed to some threads about REWs andscanning. I felt so stupid. I didn't know anythingabout REWs. I had taken him out one sunny day and he just hidunder my chair, poor thing. I didn't know they were sosensitive to sunlight.he will just lay his head down andclose his eyes when you pet him. ive noticed since day onethat he kinda sways his head and majorly sniffs things out and bumpsinto eveything. just kinda wondered as i know alot of albino with redeyed animals have more of a tendancy of either being blind or deaf.