has anyone ever owned a blind rabbit??

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Didn't know that!!! Wow, he gets around!

Two of my Hols are partially blind but get around just fine. MyNetherland Dwarf is probably almost totally blind from age, and shedoesn't move around much. I try an keep things in the same spots anyway.

I will say, though....those whiskers are amazing things when it comes to navigation!

Wow! i didn't know Nimue was blind. Does anyonehave any like, thing about who can be blind, as far as breeds.. colors?I think I read somewhere that Pam said it could be genetic orsomething? But, like, i've noticed that albino, or ones with blue orred eyes are more likely to be the blind ones? I dont know. hehe.. Idon't really think being blind would be a problem for a bunny though,They have good sniffers.. dont they?:D
Hi, I have 2 blind ones. Both as different asnight & day! Noodles will not venture any further than 3 feet fromhis litter box. Everything (food, water, hay, toys) has to within thatperimeter. Dancer, on the other hand, will go everywhere! I keep hiswater bottle, litter box, food, etc., all in the same place so that hecan find it with ease.
Well he has beenblind since he was like 3 months old. So he has gotten to know thehouse very well. But he usually just stays in the den because that isthe safest place. He gets around pretty well but every once in whileyou will hear*KLUNK*

When I pet him he usually jumps because Iscared him, especially when I touch his head he does this HUGE twitchbecause he cant seemy hand.

He does pretty good with verbal commands,like when I say GET DOWNhe knows to get off the couch, and ofcourse there is WANT A TREAT, after I say that he is a white blur!:D

im almost wondering if cadbury is partiallyblind. he kinda sways his head and majorly sniffs while he ismoving. my son was standing here in the living room last niteand cadbury was just bouncing around and ran smack dab into jacob likehe wasnt standing there. everytime he tries to jumpup on the couch or recliner he always misses the first time.but in the new cage i made up he has no problems getting upto the shelves i put in there to lay on. thats whyim wondering if only partially blind not totally? with kittyif you move your hand towards her she realizes itwith cadbury you can move your hand fast right at him and he doesnteven act as if he sees you. when you first touch him he jumpseverytime. he does get around really well though.hes really good even so about being touched after he realizes who itis. he will just lay his head down and close his eyes whenyou pet him. ive noticed since day one that he kinda swayshis head and majorly sniffs things out and bumps into eveything. justkinda wondered as i know alot of albino with red eyed animals have moreof a tendancy of either being blind or deaf.

i mean is there a way to really actually tell if he is blind or partially??

it doesnt matter to me if he is as we love him just the way he is but just kinda wonder.
no his eyes seem prettyclear there like a blue ish red like color and hispupils always stay so big even if light goes in them.
ayglnu13 wrote:
hmmmmm....I knew Nimue wasblind because his eye turned a cloudy purple color.
My cat just developed a blind eye following a severeinfection. This is how his eye looks, only I would say his ismore cloudy pink.

Maybe Cadbury has some difficult seeing, but he will adjust no matterwhat. Sampson trys to jump onto the bed and can't quite makeit, but it's just too high for him. And maybe he was justreally excited when he bumped into your son. I've seen this alot in ferrets, but not so much in rabbits, although I have seen Oriondo it when he's really running around like a crazy man. Theferrets will just bounce off anything, they aren't phased by it in theleast.


brimmhere wrote:
im almost wondering if cadbury is partially blind.he kinda sways his head and majorly sniffs while he ismoving.
he will just lay his head down andclose his eyes when you pet him. ive noticed since day onethat he kinda sways his head and majorly sniffs things out and bumpsinto eveything. just kinda wondered as i know alot of albino with redeyed animals have more of a tendancy of either being blind or deaf.
Cadbury sounds (and looks) just like my Napoleon. I think hemay be somewhat blind too. When I noticed him scanning, Iposted about it and was directed to some threads about REWs andscanning. I felt so stupid. I didn't know anythingabout REWs. I had taken him out one sunny day and he just hidunder my chair, poor thing. I didn't know they were sosensitive to sunlight.



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