Has anyone out there seen this behavior before??
Someone gave me a balloon so I tied it to a rock to keep it from floating away and to lower it to Harvey's height. I thought she might be amused by having a strange new object to explore. However except for giving it the occasional Stink Eye, she avoided it at first. ( I only let her near it when she was under constant supervision)
After a week or so, she started doing something so strange! She would stalk the balloon, like a cat, low down, creeping slowly forward, then BAM! She would leap, grabbing the string in midair, and race away at top speed, dragging the balloon! The first time it happened we thought the string had gotten caught in her teeth. But after over a dozen times, I can say for sure that Harvey knows what she is doing.
This was the behavior: stalk balloon, if it looks good then grab and run! After a speedy race around living room throw balloon to one side and dodge to the other side and finish run. Has anyone seen this behavior?! I tried sooooo hard to get a recording, but she would stalk the balloon many times without grabbing it. And some days she wouldn't bother with playing with it at all. Really want a video of this behavior!! She looks hilarious racing around dragging a balloon.
Yesterday was the last day. Harvey had it out with Mr. Balloon. I was moving the balloon a bit, trying to interest her in it ( her interest in Mr Balloon waned as his helium depleted. Ever since he was nearly flat and no longer floated, she didn't bother playing with him anymore) so I was moving it just a bit to get her interested, and bam! Harvey snatched the balloon, sort of pinned it down with her back feet, and was boxing it with her front feet. It didn't seem like frightened boxing, like she used to box the broom before she got used to it, it seemed playful. I tried to give her a craisin as a reward for interacting with the balloon. It would be great to keep the balloon interactions going until I can get videos. BUT SHE DIDNT TAKE THE CRAISIN. Instead she grabbed the deflated, pulverized bit of Mylar that used to be Mr. Balloon, and ran off with it! Ran to her room!
Has anyone ever had a rabbit bring something back to their territory?!
I went after her and she was in the far corner, boxing the balloon again. Talked to her and offered the craisin and this time she took it, but then grabbed the balloon right after and hauled it under her chaise lounge. Was she hiding it for later??? I've never seen her do this! I diverted her and dug the balloon out. Obviously she should be tempted to chew on it later. But wow! What a weird thing to see.
So has anyone seen anything like this? It was more like a dog than a rabbit. Why would she hide the balloon?!
Someone gave me a balloon so I tied it to a rock to keep it from floating away and to lower it to Harvey's height. I thought she might be amused by having a strange new object to explore. However except for giving it the occasional Stink Eye, she avoided it at first. ( I only let her near it when she was under constant supervision)
After a week or so, she started doing something so strange! She would stalk the balloon, like a cat, low down, creeping slowly forward, then BAM! She would leap, grabbing the string in midair, and race away at top speed, dragging the balloon! The first time it happened we thought the string had gotten caught in her teeth. But after over a dozen times, I can say for sure that Harvey knows what she is doing.
This was the behavior: stalk balloon, if it looks good then grab and run! After a speedy race around living room throw balloon to one side and dodge to the other side and finish run. Has anyone seen this behavior?! I tried sooooo hard to get a recording, but she would stalk the balloon many times without grabbing it. And some days she wouldn't bother with playing with it at all. Really want a video of this behavior!! She looks hilarious racing around dragging a balloon.
Yesterday was the last day. Harvey had it out with Mr. Balloon. I was moving the balloon a bit, trying to interest her in it ( her interest in Mr Balloon waned as his helium depleted. Ever since he was nearly flat and no longer floated, she didn't bother playing with him anymore) so I was moving it just a bit to get her interested, and bam! Harvey snatched the balloon, sort of pinned it down with her back feet, and was boxing it with her front feet. It didn't seem like frightened boxing, like she used to box the broom before she got used to it, it seemed playful. I tried to give her a craisin as a reward for interacting with the balloon. It would be great to keep the balloon interactions going until I can get videos. BUT SHE DIDNT TAKE THE CRAISIN. Instead she grabbed the deflated, pulverized bit of Mylar that used to be Mr. Balloon, and ran off with it! Ran to her room!
Has anyone ever had a rabbit bring something back to their territory?!
I went after her and she was in the far corner, boxing the balloon again. Talked to her and offered the craisin and this time she took it, but then grabbed the balloon right after and hauled it under her chaise lounge. Was she hiding it for later??? I've never seen her do this! I diverted her and dug the balloon out. Obviously she should be tempted to chew on it later. But wow! What a weird thing to see.
So has anyone seen anything like this? It was more like a dog than a rabbit. Why would she hide the balloon?!