Harper is a mean boy lately!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
I'm not sure why, either. Everytime I go to pickhim up out of his cage for playtime, he chases my hand and tries tobite me. And don't think about filling up his food bowl, or cleaninghis cage, or even reaching your hand in there! He'll do that "boxing"thing with his front paws, and then bite at me. I've nearly lacked afinger a time or two lately.

Why is he being such a rude bun bun? It's only within the past fewweeks, and nothing has changed at all. He still gets his playtimes, hisveggies, his treats, and more toys than ever. But he's beginning togrow meaner and more hateful by the day.

Also, I used to could pick him up and carry him around for a long time.I even used to bring him to work for hours, and I could hold him andkiss him, and so could everyone else in the store. But now, you cannothold him at all. He will kick and bite, and he's put bleeding holes inmy arm and shoulder.

I'm starting to get really upset, because he's not my sweet boy that heused to be. He's 2 years old, so he's well past puberty, and he's beenneutered for quite a while.

Any suggestions? :sosad

Harper Before: :bunnyheart

Harper Now: :gun:
Perhaps he's got some sort of slightly painfulmedical condition of some sort? I had a similar situation with a rabbita few years back and it ended up that she had a problem with her backteeth, not enough to stop her from eating fine but enough to make hermoody and very unwilling to be picked up and petted.
I know how that can feel. Sometimesya post something, see that there were about 50 views of it, but noreplies, and wonder what's goin on...lol!!

Not that this happens here...everyone's really good about replying on this site, if only to say what I did. :)

I hope someone has an answer for you soon! :D

MyBoyHarper wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
I wish Iknew, Hun, I'm sorry. I just wanted to at least let you knowmy thoughts are with ya. :)

Thanks, I was beginning to feel like I was talking to myself here for a while, Lol. :D
Well, the first 2 things I was thinking of, (puberty and neutering), you already cleared up, so it's a bit more of a mystery.

Could something have upset him - someone else picked him up and perhapshurt him by not doing it correctly? Or perhaps like minilops suggested,that he has something giving him pain so doesn't want to be touched?

The fact that he has been fine up until recently is very strange, andmust be very upsetting for you. I hope you can discover what it is andget him back to being the loveable boy he was.

I can't really answer your question...I am still learning too!

Our male lop used to be cuddly and lovey...we got him spayed and he wasstill a snuggle bunn. Then one day he just decided he didn'tlike to be held anymore. Sometimes he will let you pick himup...but for the most part he will kick you to pieces if youtry. He is only a year and a bit old, so maybe he will stillgrow out of it. We decided to leave him be for a while andsee if he is any better later on. Maybe he is just being aterrible teen and kissies aren't cool anymore!;)

Dani, Skittles, Peppers and Solembum.
Hmmm...is he like this with EVERYONE, or just you? Could you have changed your hair or new perfume/scent he doesn't like?

I know some bunnies are cage agressive. How long have you had him? Ifit hasn't been long, maybe it has taken some time for him to relax andbe himself. When bunnies are scared, they can be seemingly tamer andeasier to handle out of fear.
Now that he has his own place, it's possible that he has established his cage as HIS territory and YOU are invading it!

My vet also said that some bunnies are more independent than others andif allowed too much free roam, your 2nd bedroom, your bathroom, yourliving room becomes THEIRS and they can be territorial. She suggestedreducing the amount of free roaming time to 3-4 hrs a day.

As far as cage agression, I think the best thing is to allow them toenter and exit on their own and do any cleaning when he is not in thecage.

Hope this helps....


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