Harold and Judy: The College Years

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Here's Judy looking interested as we talk about her new plush living accomodations in the new house:


She knows a good thing when she hears it.
Oh how cute. Standing up and everything,she must be really excited lol. She definitely knows a good thing whenshe hears it..look at those ears. What a sweetie.

Oh Harold that is so good. You get to hide and eat see how smart you are.

I really had to look to find him. He is so funny. You have the funniest rabbits.

EEEM wrote:
Another installment of Where's Harold?
Judy found a bag of hay in the closet and decided it needed to be opened up... Harold agreed.

Good one. :shock:Just can't get over the picture :p...Ha ha!

Bunny in a Baggie! :dude:

Rainbows! :)

The kids and I had a nice night tonight. Haroldhasn't been as energetic as he once was since he had his seizuretroubles. Tonight I caught the first binkies out of him in quite sometime. He never was a huge binky fan, but every once in a while he had awild time of it. Judy on the other hand is a binky maniac. I caught hermid leap tonight:

I couldn't catch Harold, but I did get him preparing to take off on arampage around the room. He's like a flash once he gets going.

And after all of that running it's time to settle down for a littlesnack. I really like how Harold is attacking that lettuce stalk.

We've had a pretty uneventful week here in college town. We're in theprocess of finalizing our lease for the summer. I'm applying to lots ofjobs. The kids haven't been out as much as usual since my roommate andI have both been pretty busy, but they seem ok with that. They've gotlots of paper to shred. It keeps them happy.
There's the cuties. They look awesome butthen they always look awesome. Harold really is giving that lettucewhat for lol. Harold always looks so mellow can't believe he's a speeddemon.:shock:Judy isn't cutting it any slack either lol. Judyis a doll baby. How cool you caught her in mid leap I never get thosekinds of shots.

I got poised and ready! She has her normal routeand when I noticed her starting to take off I got the camera ready. Sheusually does multiple laps so it wasn't too hard. If she took randomruns, there's no way I would be able to catch her.
Great photo, Pet_Bunny!
I wish I could get some actions shots from close up, but if I get closeto her "racetrack" she veers off course, so I have to stand far awayand zoom... and the lighting in here is terrible. I hope to get somestanding photo lights soon, mostly for shooting interviews on film, butdefinitely for snapshots too.
My roommates and I had ferrets in college...ohthe stories!! We also had a turtle and 2 hamsters.I bet bunnies would have been great though. We had people whowere afraid of the ferrets...it was fairly entertaining.

Good luck with finals!!



One of my All-Time Favorite posts is this one. I never imagined college life with rabbits.

Rabbits are Movin Up!

Forget about the Farm...They're in College now!

More pictures in between studies - when you have a chance. Will you be able to bring them outside? Do they treat the fields?

Thanks Carolyn!
They'll be having lots of outside time this summer when I move into mynew house. We have a fenced backyard that we won't be treating with anychemicals. I think they do treat the fields here on campus, but even ifthey didn't I'd be nervous to take them out. There are always dogsaround and I'm afraid Judy might freak out. Harold would probably wantto check them out, but Judy gets a little nervous.

Here's a story of college life that just happened today!
As you might assume, there's alot of going in and out of the room. Thisafternoon Harold followed my friend out of the door without either ofus noticing. He usually stops at the stairs, so we've never had toworry about him sneaking out. But today he had a nice little romp inthe lounge and hallway. He came right back to me when he saw me (Ican't call him since he's deaf). So luckily we didn't have a bunny onthe loose for long. He seemed to enjoy his little adventure, though. :)
I would have been a nervous wreck. Haroldjust thought it was cool to explore. How awesome that as soon as hecaught sight of you he came right to you.

I am so excited for you and the 'kids'. I hope they like theyard. I was wondering, is there anything you have to do to make themove easier on Harold or does he just need you and Judy to be at ease?Like Jeremy has epilepsy so we had to plan ahead.

I love this picture. How funny is Miss Judy lol. She is such a character.

Harold hasn't had any more epileptic episodes.I'm afraid the move will be fairly stressful on them both. I'm leavingfor a visit home in early May, and our lease doesn't start until June1st, so they're going to have to be babysat for about 3 weeks (a coupleof members here have offered their services, which is spectacular!). Sothey'll be moved to one strange place, and then just about the timethey get settled in there, they'll be moved to the new house. We'll tryto keep the whole process as stress free as possible. They've had longcar rides in the carrier before, and stayed in strange houses... Theywere fine, though Judy was a little peeved at us when she got home.Hopefully they'll settle in quickly in the new house. I'm hoping allruns smoothly. I'm not too worried. They're pretty chill buns.Especially Harold. He doesn't stress about anything. :)

And here's Mr. Chill himself putting his foot in his mouth... He must have offended Queen Judy.