Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Turkey day everyone!!!!!!

(too bad I have to work! :X)

and for whomever may be going out for dinner .. be nice to your waitress ..we will be running our butts off that day!
FreddysMom wrote:
Happy Turkey day everyone!!!!!!

(too bad I have to work! :X)

and for whomever may be going out for dinner .. be nice to your waitress ..we will be running our butts off that day!

That should apply EVERY DAY, not just Thanksgiving. Those ofus who've worked in food service know how exhausting it can be,especially on a holiday.

Sorry you have to work, FreddysMom. Hope you get a lot of good tips and friendly customers!:)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

I hadn't planned on making dinner because Aaron isn't here. Ihave however changed my plans last minute....I figured it wasn't fairto the kids to give it up just because daddy wasn't going to behere. Plus I'm sure Aaron would want us to have itanyway.

Happy thanksgiving everyone.I probably wont behere either as i invited my parents and brothers and sisters and theirkids ,so im cooking a turkey. i spent today making pies andbuns.bluebird
[align=center]Wishingeveryone a peaceful and safe Thanksgiving from the Nockfamily![/align]
[align=left]We're spending a quiet day at home. Son Billywill be over for dinner -- daughter Stephanie had to work :([/align]
[align=left]It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here with allthe snow -- hope everyone is keeping toasty warm and has given outsidebunns plenty of hay or straw to burrow into![/align]
[align=left]My thoughts are with the families going through hardshipsthis season and to those families who are unable to be together.[/align]
[align=left]If you have been fortunate this year, please remember togive a little to someone else. Matthew is very excitedaboutpicking aname off the angel tree next week,and can't wait to go shopping :)[/align]
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

We are having ours on Sunday. Today we just going to have anice day at home. I have so much to be thankful, this forum and it''smembers are just a few.

Everyone have a safe and happy holiday.

Tina, Dale, Jeremy, Otis, Christa, Hopi, Stormy, Koda & Norman
Happy Bird Day to You :bunnydance:

Happy Bird Day to You :colors:

Happy Bird Day, Dear Americaaaa... :USAflagwaving:

Happy Bird Day To Youuuu :bouquet:

:pray: for those not home for the holiday this year.

(I think I ate every single thing that went into your card today. :no: )


I spent literally hours on the phone talking tomy dad and stepmom, and two of my brothers. Oh, and emailing back andforth with my mom all day, as she worked because she plans on leavingat the drop of a hat when she gets the call from us.

Still, it wasn't a bad day for me! I thought I'd be lonely andeverything, but I really wasn't. Was sort of nice just chatting on thephone and laying low, not having to run visiting everywhere.

Ok, I do miss turkey sandwiches already.... :p

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